Chapter XXIX

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to someone who put a big smile on my face yesterday, @AlofaDonnaUili

Logan groaned when his sister giggled loudly at something her mate whispered in her ear. "Did you know that she could giggle?" Wade asked his younger brother in disbelief. Logan shook his head before he replied "I'm kinda glad I didn't though, this is so freaking annoying," and rolled his eyes. "You'll be the same when you meet your mate," Linda said as she ruffled her son's hair. "I don't get why everyone keeps saying stuff like that, 'You'll get it when you're a dad', 'You'll get it once you meet your mate', 'You'll understand when you're older', I mean get a new catchphrase," Logan said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Why don't you keep rolling your eyes, you might end up finding a brain back there," John said as he sat down next to his wife. Logan rolled his eyes at his father. "Yeah dad, there needs to be something in there to be able to find it, see nothing," Wade said as he knocked on his brother's head which caused everyone to start laughing. Logan glared at his brother as he hit him, which caused Wade to do the same, the two men began roughhousing each other on the floor. Logan ended up lying on top of his brother as he put all of his body weight on him. "Oh my god, get off of me you hippo," Logan growled as he pushed his brother.

"Dogpile!" Natalie shouted as she laid on top of her brothers. "Me too, me too!" Issac exclaimed as he ran toward his uncle. "Not so fast little monkey," Athena said as she whisked the three-year-old off of the floor. "It's nap time for you," She said. The three-year-old pouted as he looked at his uncle. "But I wanna sit on uncwe!" Issac said as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "You can sit on your uncles after your nap," Athena said as she began walking toward the staircase. 

"Wait, what!?, I never agreed to that!" Wade exclaimed as he tried to get up, only to be pushed down by his brother who was followed by their sister. "Get off of me idiots," Wade said as he tried to push his siblings off of him. "Mom, Dad, a little help please," Wade asked his parents who chuckled before nodding their heads. John picked his daughter up as if she weighed nothing, while Natalie squealed. "Logan, get off of your brother," Linda said as she looked at her sons. "But mom," Logan whined pathetically. "Now," she said sternly which caused Logan to quickly get off of his brother. "Thanks, Mama," Wade said as he kissed his mother's cheek. "You're welcome sweetie," Linda said as she looked at her son lovingly.

'We have him in the dungeons Alpha' Steve's voice came through the mind link. 'Axel and I will be right there' Andrew responded before he left the house with his brother. Andrew thought back to all the memories he had with the man being held in the dungeon. He and his siblings considered him to be a part of their family. His son treated him like his uncle. Andrew shook his head in anger as he cleared those thoughts out of his head. This wasn't the same man who had played hide and seek with him and his siblings, no, this was a man who had betrayed his pack for some filthy reason. Andrew and Axel were hell-bent to find out why he had done such a thing. 

Neil shook when he smelt the scents of those who had come to meet him. A chair was placed in front of him. The sound of footsteps echoed in the large dungeon. The cell door creaked loudly when it was pulled open. Neil kept his head down. Two pairs of feet stood before him. Andrew slowly pulled the chair in front before sitting down. 

"Why did you do it?" Andrew asked after a moment of silence. Neil continued to look at the floor. "Why did you do it, Neil?" Andrew repeated the question after a minute. The traitor shook his head slowly. "You wouldn't understand," he murmured. "Neil, you know how much I hate people who murmur, speak loudly," Axel commanded. "You wouldn't understand," Neil repeated in a louder voice. 

"Well as your Alpha I demand you to tell me the reason behind you betraying the pack," Andrew demanded loudly. Neil shook a little before he replied with a single word. "Athie". "You will not call her that, she is Athena to you," Axel growled out. "Why did you say her name?" Andrew growled lowly. "I did it so that I could be with her, I'm in love with her". Axel held Neil by his collar "I dare you to repeat what you just said," Axel said in a chillingly calm voice. The hair on the back of Neil's neck stood up. 

'Let him go, he won't answer our questions if he's shit scared,' Andrew mind linked his brother when he saw that his brother was going to kill the man before they would be able to question him. 'Did you even hear what he said!?' Axel exclaimed in disbelief. 'I did, and I want to rip his neck apart for that, but he won't be able to answer our questions if we did that, we can take care of him after our questioning,' Andrew said with finality in his voice. Axel growled as he threw the disgusting man away from him before he went and stood behind his brother. 'Just because I can't kill him doesn't mean I'm not going to glare at him,' Axel thought to himself as he glared at the man.

Neil shook in his seat when he saw how Axel was glaring at him. "What was your deal with the rouges?" Andrew asked the man who sat before him shaking in fear. Neil shook his head. "Listen, if you comply with us, Axel and I will go gentle on you," Andrew said with a sickly sweet smile. Neil fell for it hook, line and sinker. "The deal was that if I supplied them with enough files and information about the Dark Moon pack, they would invade the pack and give me Athena in return," Neil said. Andrew and Axel growled loudly at what he said.

"Which files did you give them?" Axel asked. "I-I don't remember," Neil lied. "Haha, I suggest that you don't lie to us Neil, it won't end well for you," Axel said as he let out a fake laugh. "I gave them the files to the entryways, the number of people we have in our pack, our allies, and the pack's layout," Neil said as he looked at the floor. "Along with photos of your family," he continued. Andrew growled before he got up and held the traitor's neck. "Was there anyone else who helped you?" He said as Neil looked at the ground. "Who the fuck helped you!?" Axel shouted as he finally punched the man in his face.

"S-S-Stephanie, she was the only one who helped me," Neil stuttered out. Andrew dropped the man in horror. 'GET ME STEPHANIE DAVIS RIGHT NOW!' Andrew screamed at his warriors through the mind link. "You fucking piece of shit," Axel started, "You disgust me," he said as he spat on the floor. "I Andrew Simon Williams, as the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack, now take the title of Gamma away from you Neil Jayden Davidson, I also remove you from this pack," Andrew said as he looked at the traitor in utter disgust. 

Neil screamed in pain as his wolf howled, he was now a rouge. Getting your title taken away from you was painful, but becoming a rouge was much more painful than that. 'We can't find her Alpha' Steve said through the mind link. 'I don't care, tear the Earth open if you have to, but find her and bring her to me,' Andrew said as he fumed with anger. 'Do you think it's too late?' Axel asked his brother through their personal link as he punched the traitor again and again.

'I hope not,' Andrew replied before he joined his brother.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter 😁 I can't stop smiling from all of the love and support I have gained recently, thank you so much!! What's your take on this chapter?  Where do you think Stephanie might be hiding? who is Stephanie? 

Do you want me to change anything about the chapter/ story? Let me know either in the comments or in my personal messages. I hope you all enjoyed it, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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