Mr. Nice Guy

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Arabella's POV

"We got security cam footage of the grocery store and the alleyway behind the close Nacho Ball," Charlotte informed Henry as she, Mary, and I were working on trying to catch this new villain Mr. Nice Guy. He's been going around the town tormenting people and it isn't good, but he got Mitch and that made me smile.

"Good good," Henry smiled and patted my shoulder. "Schwoz, did the police send you a sketch of Mr. Nice Guy yet?"

"Uh, they're trying to, but they're using an outdated form of technology that sends information over regular phone lines," Schwoz explained, holding up a red telephone.

"But that's even slower than email," Mary reasoned, putting down Violet's baby bottle and rocking the baby. Violet has grown quite a bit in the last few weeks, she's starting to grow little brown hairs on her head and she has blue eyes just like dad.

"Facts!" Schwoz nodded and Henry chuckled.

"You're reading that book of slang words I gave you."

"No, they're sending the sketch via facts!" Schwoz explained, "fax machine."

Henry's smile dropped, "oh..."

"But, yo, that book is lit fam!" Schwoz smiled and I physically cringed as Henry laughed with him.

"I know I'm old, but wasn't that cringe?" Mary whispered to me and I nodded.


"That book slaps!" Henry said and sat up, "did you get to the part where-"

Suddenly, my dad shut his laptop and stood up with excitement, "I got him!"

"You got him?" Charlotte and I asked.

"You found out who Mr. Nice Guy is?" Henry asked him.

"Nooooo," my dad denied and I rolled my eyes. "Uh, there's this one guy online who was willing to sell his ticket to the five 'o'clock showing of the new battle pigs movie and I got him!"

Mary groaned as my dad kissed her head and began to leave.

"Oh my gosh."


"See ya at the movies!" He smiled and we called to him.





"What? What?" My dad asked and Henry approached him.

"Dude, you can't go to the movies we're in the middle of a crime spree," Henry informed him.

"Ah, no no no no, it takes three crimes to make a spree and we only have two so far so that's just a crime spurt," my dad explained. "And a little spurt, don't hurt, so see ya at the movies."

As my dad turned, the alarm blared and Piper got shot down. My eyes widen when I saw her sprint over to us in a rush and her mouth had a rectangular shape inside it.

If that's her phone, I'm gonna laugh my butt off.

She ran into my dad, who was panicking and trying to get around her but couldn't get by cuz she was trying to get her to help him. Eventually, Henry stepped in and pulled his sister away from the agonized superhero and Piper looked at her brother for help.

"What's in your mouth?" Charlotte asked Piper.

"If that's your phone...," I grin.

"Is that your phone?" Henry asked her and Piper put up a finger and did something.

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