Massage Chair

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Arabella's POV

I was in the Man Cave with Jasper, Charlotte, and Schwoz and we were just laying around doing nothing and it was amazing. Mary was upstairs in my dad's room taking a long nap, she's been really tired lately and her baby bump is at its maximum size. The baby is due in less than a month and I'm so excited to see the baby, I'm gonna be a big sister and couldn't be happier. After years of wishing, I'm getting the family I've always wanted and I feel complete. Now, I just need my dad and Mary to get married and I'll get a mother and an older sister.

My dad and Henry were out fighting Slappy Pete while the four of us were just relaxing and doing nothing. My favorite thing to do.

"You know what I love?" Jasper asked us.



"Tell us."

"Doing nothing," Jasper said.

"Oh yeah," Charlotte agreed.

"It's the best," I sigh.

"Doing nothing is great," Schwoz smiled.

"You know what's better than doing nothing?" Charlotte asked us.



"Tell us."


"True," I chuckled right before the tube alarm blared.

"Captain Man and Kid Danger are back!" Schwoz gasped and the three of us yelled, "everyone look like you are working."

All of us scrambled to our feet and quickly moved around so it looks like we are working. Jasper and Charlotte went up to the monitor and acted like they were doing something and Schwoz pretended to saw a plank in half. I stood by the tubes and awaited for Henry and my dad's return like I do sometimes. One tube shot down and Henry appeared inside it.

Henry rolled his head around and I saw a tiny handprint on his cheek as he walked down the steps. All of us greeted him and I smiled.

"Hi, honey," I greeted.

"Oh hey, we didn't see you with all this real work we've been doing," Schwoz scoffed and I nodded.

Henry and I tightly embraced and he kissed my head.

"How'd the mission go?" I asked him as we pulled away.

"Yeah, did you guys capture Slappy Pete?" Jasper added on.

"Yeah, we got him, but he slapped me pretty good. Is there a mark?" Henry asked us and he turned his head to reveal a red mark from Slappy Pete's tiny hand.



"A little."

"Small one."

"Tiny handed freak," Henry snarled and I giggled.

"I'll kiss it," I smile and kissed the red mark which made him smile with pink cheeks.

"I didn't know Pete had six fingers?" Jasper asked as he and Charlotte approached us.

"Eh, he was holding a tiny little hotdog when he slapped me," Henry told him. "Tiny handed hotdog eating freak!"

"Where's Ray?" Charlotte asked.

"He's gonna be here in a couple of seconds with a surprise," Henry grinned as he moonwalked to the elevator, and we all got excited.

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