Brawl in the Hall

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Arabella's POV

I walked down the stairs at school and saw Henry in the hall.

"Hey, Hen." I greeted him and he turned to me with a smile.

"Hey, princess." He greeted and we shared a kiss when I approached him.

"You've been calling me princess lately, how come?" I asked him with a smile and he leaned against the lockers.

He shrugged at me, "well, you are my princess, so it seems appropriate."

I blushed, rolling my eyes. "And what, are you my prince?"

"Na." He shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I'm your superhero."

"My handsome superhero." I smile and he leans down, kissing me again.


We pulled away and turned to see Charlotte there, causing us both to blush.

"Char." Henry groaned as he unwrapped his arm from me and I giggled. "We were having a moment."

Charlotte gave us a smile, "I know."

Henry gave her a frown and I chuckled. "Hey, Char." Henry didn't say anything to Charlotte and I whacked his arm, "Henry, don't be salty."

"I can be salty if I wanna be salty." He grumbled and Charlotte and I shared a look.

"We'll kiss later," I assure Henry and he looked away. "And more."

I glanced behind me and Charlotte gave me a look of disgust.

"I did not need to hear that." She mentioned and I turned to Henry.

"Promise?" He asked me, grabbing my hands and I smiled.


"Okay." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I'm not even gonna ask what 'more' means," Charlotte remarked and I blushed bright red.

"And you'll never find out," I replied with an awkward chuckle.

Let's just say it's kissing, but more intense than normal. Hehe.

"Well, it's almost four'0'clock, we better get to work," Charlotte tells us, checking her phone.

"Oh, no, we're good, Piper's gonna drive us," Henry assured us and I groaned.

"Seriously?" I asked him.

"No," Charlotte groaned. "I don't like it when Piper drives us."

"Why?" Henry asked and I scoffed. "She has a driver's license."

"She's twelve!" I exclaimed, "and she only has one because the state gave it to her by mistake."

"Still valid," Henry muttered and I rolled my eyes.

Outside, we heard a car honking and Henry went over to the doors.

"Is that Piper?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah." Henry opened the door and called to Piper. "Hey, Piper! Quit honking the horn!"

Piper let out a long honk and I sighed, folding my arms. Henry gave her a smile when she finished.

"Love you too!"

Beep! Beep!

Henry shut the door and came back over to us.

"Where's Jasper?" Charlotte asked.

"Still in detention," I tell her and she groans.

"What's he in for anyway?"

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