Grand Theft Otto

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Arabella's POV

It's been over a week since Henry and I broke up and it's been very awkward between the two of us. We haven't spoken too much and I haven't even been over to his house which weird to me, because I'm always at his house. It's like my second home and now it's like I barely even know the place now. Charlotte and Jasper are constantly trying to get us to make up and get back together, but I can't even look at Henry without crying. It's too hard.

Henry and I are still friends, but I don't want to be friends. I want to be his princess again, but I don't know if he feels the same. I just want everything to be the way it was before we had our argument and just fix everything, but I don't know how.

Anyway, I was at at Henry's house trying to get a retainer out of Charlotte's mouth. Long story short, Piper was taking care of a bird, Otto, but Charlotte made the mistake of mentioning that Henry is Kid Danger in front of it and now the bird is repeating that sentence. So now, Henry, Charlotte and Jasper are trying to hide Otto from Piper and figure out a situation to make it stop, and it's just all craziness at the moment. Just thinking about it gives me a headache and not to mention Henry's on my mind and it hurts just thinking about that boy.

I haven't seen Henry so I'm good at the moment and hopefully won't burst into tears if I do see him. I'm literally trying my hardest not to run into his arms and beg him to take me back. Honestly, I'm not sure he wants me back, he doesn't act like he does, but to be fair I don't act like it either. He's hasn't flirted with any girls, in fact he actually ignores them and walks away.

"Hold still," I told Charlotte poking the inside of her mouth. "I can't see it."

"It's not comfortable," she remarked.

"Wow, your teeth are perfect," I chuckle and she rolled her eyes.

"I know, I've been told I do," Charlotte told me and I tried to yank on the retainer, but she flinched and groaned in pain." Ow!"

"Sorry!" I apologized to her, "just hold still."

"Girls! Stop kissing! We've got a crisis downstairs!" I heard Jasper and I turned to see him and Henry standing there.


Henry and I stared at one another, until Charlotte bumped my shoulder and Jasper hit Henry's. I stumbled and awkwardly scooted back with red cheeks and Henry rubbed his neck.

"We weren't kissing," Charlotte told Jasper. "Bella's trying to get this retainer out of my mouth."

"Yeah, and no offense, I don't wanna kiss you," I told Charlotte and she waved me off.

"I'm not into girls like that," Charlotte remarked.

But, if I was Lesbian, Charlotte would be the first girl I would kiss. She's a beautiful girl with a kickbutt of a personality. There's a reason why she's Queen Char on my phone and just in my life in general.

(Let's just take a moment to appreciate the absolute queen not only Charlotte is, but Riele Downs herself. Like oof, she is an absolute slay👏👏😍)

I looked at Jasper's face and noticed a bush above his lips.

"When did you grow that mustache?" I asked Jasper with a smile.

"When I was in Iowa," he smirked and I nodded.

"Wow," I say. "That is a sick stache, dude."

"Thanks, Bella!" He smiled and hi-fived me.

"Has the whole world gone crazy?" Charlotte asked with disbelief and I gave her a chuckle.

"Hey, my retainer case!" Jasper smiled, picking up the retainer case. "Where'd you guys find this?"

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