Rubber Duck

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Arabella's POV

I was at Henry's house and I was at the dinner table with Piper and Henry. Piper was working on homework, while Henry was talking about the same dreams he's been having and to be honest, I wasn't listening to him. I have heard him talk about this dream hundreds of times and as much as I love that he dreams about me, it gets annoying after awhile.

Henry's dream starts off with him driving to Junk-N-Stuff with his mini car and drives into the Man Cave to see a mysterious girl cooking beams, aka me. As he gets closer to me, the fog from the beans blur his vision and he isn't able to see me as well, but when he approaches me I suddenly turn into Jasper and then Henry wakes up.

It's a weird dream, but everything about our lives is weird.

"And that's how my dream always ends." Henry finished, but Piper and I didn't really react to him. "Pretty crazy, right?"

I looked up from my phone and Piper took out her earbud.


"Huh?" Henry asked as he was coloring.

"Were you talking?" Piper asked him.

"Was I-yeah, l was talk- I told you and Airy the whole dream that I had!" Henry remarked.

"About what?" Piper questioned.

"Well, I'm not gonna tell it again." Henry said and I sighed.

"Thank god." I muttered.

"Thank you!" Piper said, returning to her homework.

"Really?" Henry asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, "of all people, you should listen to my crazy dream."

"I have listened to it about hundred times." I remarked to him, "it gets boring after awhile, honey."

"But it involves you." He reasoned.

"As much as I love that, it gets a little annoying." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Henry! Piper! Your dad and I are about to leave!" I heard Mrs. Hart call from upstairs and I turned to see her and Mr. Hart descend from the stairs with luggage.

I forgot that Henry and Piper's parents are leaving for Toronto for a few days.

"Okay!" Henry called.

"See ya," Piper said and I smiled at them.

"Have fun," I called and Mrs. Hart smiled at me.

"Oh, hi, Bella!" She greeted, "didn't know you were here."

"I snuck in." I grinned at her and she smiled. I looked at Henry's coloring and noticed he was coloring outside the lines.

"You're coloring outside the lines." I mentioned and he gave me a sassy look.

"Like you can do any better." He remarked.

"Like you can do any better." I mimicked, but I earned a poke from his crayon, "aw, why?"

"Piper! Come help me with the luggage!" Mr. Hart called

Said girl groaned, "why can't Henry help you? He's the boy!"

"Because your father has to give him instructions while we're out of town." Mrs. Hart explained.

"Alright!" Piper groaned and got up from her seat to help with the luggage, while Mr. Hart approached Henry and I.

"Okay, Henry, pick up your phone." Mr. Hart told his son and he looked up.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your phone. I have instructions for you and I want you to get them on video." Mr. Hart explained and Henry sighed, picking up his phone.

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