Toddler Invasion

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Arabella's POV

I sat in the Man Cave waiting for my dad and Henry to return and I was just writing in my journal I bought for my feelings and thoughts. I've written so much that I'll probably need another one.

I jumped when something got shot towards me and landed on the ground. I closed my journal and looked down at it with curiosity and alarm.

"What the-"

"Hello, precious."

The hairs on my arms stood up straight and my heart dropped.


I turned and he was standing there with a smirk.

"Toddler!" I snarled. "How'd you get in here?"

"You don't need to know." He said and I noticed a pink mist emit from the object he threw down and it floated into the atmosphere around me. "In about ten seconds, you won't care anyway."

I folded my arms. "My dad and Kid Danger will stop you....they will be here...and...and..."

My vision became blurry and I couldn't see a lot. I started to feel very tired and I blinked a few times, stumbling.

"Night, night, princess."

Then I blacked out.


Third Person POV

Kid Danger woke up inside a large Easter basket and groaned.


"Oh!" The Toddler said and set down his apple juice. "Look who's woke!"

Kid Danger shot up inside the basket. "Oh my god!"

"Oh, I believe you mean 'Oh my todd-" Toddler glared at him "Ler!"

The Toddler pressed a button on his remote and a force field surrounded the basket Kid Danger was inside.

"What are you doing here in the Man Cave-AH!" Henry winced in pain when his arm hit the forcefield and he cowered back, causing the toddler to laugh. Kid Danger touched the forcefield and winced. "What the-"

"Oh, I'm sorry! But you ain't going no where Kid Dumbger!" The Toddler scolded.

"Why don't you go change your diaper?" Kid Danger retorted.

"No more diapers, kid." The Toddler remarked, sipping on his apple juice.


"I said no more diapers." The Toddler repeated, "maybe you didn't hear about it, I haven't seen ya in a long time. I didn't go up there and tell ya."

"Didn't go up where?" Kid Danger asked.

"I don't wear diapers anymore, understand?" The Toddler repeated with irritation.

"What's gotta into ya, man?" Kid Danger grinned. "Just messing with you a little bit, that's all. I was only kidding with ya."

"Yeah, well, sometimes it doesn't sound like ya kidding." The Toddler remarked.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Kid Danger apologized, "I'm sorry if I offended ya."

"Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm sorry too." The Toddler apologized.


"Salute." The Toddler nodded, sipping on his apple juice.

"Now, why don't you do change your diaper?!"

The Toddler yelled and slammed a toolbox into the cart a few times, before throwing it to the ground in anger.


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