The Rock Box Dump

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Arabella's POV

I was in the Man Cave with Charlotte and Jasper and we were watching the news. We were mainly watching it because it was about Kid Danger and his super power, Hyper-Motility, but everyone thinks it's a disease and Kid Danger is going to die.

We've mentioned his power before and nobody questioned it, so why is it a huge thing now?

"Hey, what's up, crime fighters- Oh my god, I smell chicken wings!" Henry called as he walked out of the elevator and we shushed him.

"What's going on? What are you guys watching?" Henry asked us and Jasper shushed him.

"It's a news report about you." I tell Henry.

"And they're talking about hy-"

Henry shushed Jasper and watched the screen.

"According to Captain Man himself, Kid Danger has been stricken with a serious rare disease known as Hyper-Motility." Trent began.

"What? What disease? What are they-"


"Here with us now in studio is rare disease expect Andrew Skurvay."

"Good afternoon, Trent." Andrew greeted Trent.

"What can you tell us about this disease Hyper-Motility?" Trent asked him and Henry sat down at the monitor.

"I've never heard of it." Andrew remarked and I got up, walking over to Henry.


"But I will say, diseases in general can cause big problems." Andrew explained and I wrapped my arms around Henry's neck from behind.

"I see and in what do you feel that Hyper-Motility might affect Kid Danger?" Trent asked him.

"Well, if could lead an increase or decrease in his appetite. High or low blood pressure." Andrew began and Henry shook his head. "It could cause weight gain."

"Or weight loss?" Trent added.


"Okay, you know what, I'm turning this off." Henry announced and shut off the news

"How come you're so upset?" Jasper asked, chewing on his chicken wings with sauce all over his mouth.

"Cause, now everyone in Swellview's gonna think I'm seriously sick." Henry protested and I rubbed his shoulders.

"No they won't." Charlotte denied and Henry leaned back with irritation. "Nobody under sixty-five watched the news anymore."

"Yeah, check social media, baby." I tell him, letting him go and going over to my phone.

"Oh, yeah, social media's the real news, check it, check it, check it." Henry rushes us, following me and I looked at my phone to check the news for Kid Danger.


"Kk! Let's see."

"Dude, you have wing sauce." Henry advises Jasper, gesturing to his cheek.

"Oh, hand me a wet raget." Jasper asked and Henry tossed him a wet raget, before Jasper started to wipe his face but got the wrong side. Henry attempted to guide him, but Jasper didn't understand and missed the messy side completely.

"You got it!" Henry nodded.

"Okay." I say as I pulled up the trending topics and they didn't look good. "Trending topics. Number five: Goodbye Kid Danger."

Kid Danger's Girlfriend (Henry Danger: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now