Captain Mom

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Arabella's POV

I was in the Man Cave with Charlotte and Jasper. Jasper was looking at his phone while Charlotte and I were looking up wedding dresses for Mary and my dad's wedding which is gonna happen within a month or two.

Charlotte and I both turned to Jasper when we heard an odd rumbling noise.

"What was that?" We both asked Jasper.

"No idea," he muttered not paying attention, and then the sound repeated.

"Okay, that's either coming from you or someone just opened a mummy's tomb," Charlotte mentioned.

"I haven't opened a mummy's tomb since I was eight, so it's not me," I chuckled and this received an odd look from Charlotte.

"Are you really surprised?" I asked her and she shook her head.

The sound happened again and Jasper smiled, "oh, yeah! That's me tummy! He yells at me when he's hungry."

"So does Violet's," I muttered.

"Well, we're gonna keep yelling at you if we keep hearing 'ya tummy!" Charlotte remarked, "go get something from the auto-snacker."

Jasper got up and went over to the auto-snacker. Charlotte and I turned back to the monitor and looked over the dresses.

"That's pretty," I said pointing to the lacy white dress that flowed to the floor.

"Hey, girls," Jasper suddenly said and we turned to him, "you dare me to eat one of these things in this jar?"

"No," Char denied and I grinned.

"Heck yeah," I smiled and went up to him.

"You're on!" Jasper laughed and I giggled clapping my hands.

"Bella!" Char scolded and I ignored her as Jasper took off the lid from the jar that was filled with gooey purple things.

"No, no! Don't listen to her!" Char protested, "since when do we listen to Bella!"

"Just now!" I smiled.

"Thanks for daring me to eat one of these things, Bella!" Jasper smiled and I patted his back.

"Anytime, buddy!"

"You two are nuts!" Char exclaimed. "Can't believe you two aren't related."

"We should be," I mentioned as Jasper picked up a purple gooey thing.


"Don't!" Char said and went up to us. "You don't even know what those things are!"

"Here I go!" Jasper said, "you should be more open-minded like Bella!"

Jasper titled his head back and we about to eat it, when we heard a scream and we turned to see Schwoz standing there. We all paused and watched Schwoz leap a few feet in the air and land flat on his belly. He got up and rushed over to us.

"Don't eat that!" Schwoz yelled.

"I have to!" Jasper protested, "Bella dared me to!"

"I did!" I giggled.

"Why would you do that, Bella?" Schwoz asked and I shrugged.

"Why not?" I scoffed and he rolled his eyes.

"We don't even know what those things are," Charlotte mentioned.

"That's what makes it fun!" I chuckled and Jasper smiled.

"Yes, we do," Schwoz said and put on gloves and took the small gooey purple thing. "Those are eggs for a creature I invented."

"What kind of creature?" Jasper asked him.

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