Holiday Punch

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Arabella's POV

"Stay with me tree!" Schwoz cried as he performed chest compressions on a dead tree. I'd like to call it branch compressions cuz it's a branch, not a chest.

It's a bit of a Christmas disaster right now, all the trees in Swellview have suddenly been dying and it's a mystery as to why. We've been trying to save them, but we've had no luck in that. Charlotte, Henry, Mary, and I have been answering calls about the dying Christmas trees, the news is crying about it, and it's just one huge catastrophe.

My dad is somewhere and Jasper and Piper are out trying to save more trees before they die.

I heard the tree flatline and we all turned to the tree as Schwoz shook his head in dismay and my hand landed on my chest in sorrow.

We lost another one.

"I lost him," Schwoz cried as we approached him and the dead tree. "I will never forget you."

I rubbed his shoulder as the elevator doors opened and Jasper and Piper barged in with another tree to save.

"We're back!"

"We got another!"

Schwoz sighed relief and shoved the dead tree off the gurney, "oh good!"

Henry and I shared a look at this.

Nice to know that someone cared for that tree for a few moments.

"This tree lost its last sap I don't know how much longer it's got," Jasper informed us as he placed the tree on the gurney.

"I think we can save it," Piper remarked with hope.

"Don't get your hopes up, rookie," Jasper shot back.

"This one's a fighter I can feel like," Piper replied.

"Just like with the other hundred trees?" I question Piper.

"Quiet, Manchester," she snarled. "Let me have hope."

"Just saying," I say and Henry rubs my back, pulling me close to him as Schwoz brought out a large air horn.

"What's that?" Mary asked Schwoz.

(Guess where Violet is? You guessed it, sleeping)

"I have a plan to find out why all the Christmas trees are dying," Schwoz began.

"What are you gonna do?" Henry asked him.

"I'm going to ask the tree what killed it and it's going to tell me," Schwoz informed him and we all nodded.

"Got it."


"Makes sense.



That feels like an invasion of privacy to me, but it's fine.

"What?" Piper asked.

"This horn can turn tree vibrations into human speech," Schwoz explained. "Once I attach it to the tree it'll be able to talk to us just like a person."

"Yeah, that's-" Piper replied

(wtf did she say)

"Welcome to the Man Cave, Rookie," Schwoz told her and stabbed the tree with the horn.

"Why does everyone keep-"

We all gasped and jumped back when the tree suddenly sat up abruptly. I let out a shriek as I jumped into Henry's arms and he held me. Mary and Piper held each other as they screamed out of fear.

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