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Later that night we get out the taxi and into the club. We walk towards the bar and order drinks before sitting down at our table. I place my drink on the large 8 people table and laugh nervously "are you expecting anyone else?" She looks behind me and nods "there he is!" I turn around and see Spenser and 2 other boys walking towards us. He hugs Jen and sits down. I look at him and smirk "so where is dumber?" He looks behind me and smirks "coming with the drinks." I look over and see JJ and another boy holding two buckets filled of beers and a bottle of vodka. I roll my eyes and move over "now the party has begun."

The night goes on, the drinks get stronger and the dancing gets worse. Jen holds my hand and spins me around but I lose my balance and before I know it I go flying across the dance floor. I feel someone's arm wrap around my waist and the next thing I know I am in their arms. I laugh nervously and look at them "JT?" He winks at me and puts me down "what are you doing here?" He nods towards a group of 6 boys "it is my friends birthday so we are out celebration." I nod nervously and smile "cool." He shrugs and looks towards the bar "can I get you a drink?" I shrug and smile nervously "sure." He smirks and kisses my cheek "wont be long." He walks towards the bar and I smile at him as he walks away. "Are you ok?" I look at Jen and nod agreeing "I'm fine." I raise my eyebrow and smirk "did you tell him we was going to be here?" She shakes her head and looks towards the bar "no." She winks at me and nudges me softly "maybe it was the picture I took?" She walks away and I laugh sarcastically "what picture?!"

I turn around and look towards the bar for JT but see Harrison and 8 other boys walking towards me. I laugh nervously and look towards the floor "this cannot be happening right now." He walks up to me and smirks "hey." I smile softly and wave "hello." He looks at the 8 boys behind him and smirk "won't be long boys." They all nod before disappearing into a booth. He shrugs and looks around "want a drink?" I laugh nervously and he winks "don't worry I remember your order." He walks towards the bar before I can say another word. I take a deep breath and shake my head "could this night get any worse." I look over towards the direction Jen went and see JJ walking towards me with two beers. He hands me one and smirks "are you ok?" I drink half of it and nod agreeing "you?" He smirks and nods agreeing "yeah." He looks behind me and his face drops "what is HE doing here?" I turn around and see Harrison walking towards us. I laugh nervously as he hands me my drink. "I don't want any trouble JJ." JJ smirks and shakes his head "then leave?" JT walks over and hands me my drink "here you go." He looks at Harrison and laughs nervously "am I interrupting something?" Harrison scoffs and rolls his eyes "yes!" I take a deep breath and drink all the vodkas "I need air."

As I walk away I spot Ethan and his 4 friends my heart drops. I look back towards JT, Harrison and JJ but they are all busy arguing. I watch as their friends join them. I look at Jen and she smiles at me. I look towards Ethan and nod towards him. She looks over and her face drops. She tries to get past everyone dancing to get to me but he already spots me and makes his way towards me.

I start running past everyone and towards the exit. I get outside and start running down the street but I feel someone grab my waist and lift me up. I kick and punch them but they don't let go. I look at him and slap his head "let me go!" He puts me down and pins me against the wall "hello." He runs his fingers down my face and I smirk and push his hand away "don't touch me!" I look over towards the club door as Jen, JJ, JT, Harrison and all their friends run out. He follows my eyes and scoffs "so what one are you sleeping with?" He places his hand on the wall blocking me from getting away. I look at the group of boys and shrug "all of them." He laughs sarcastically at his friends before looking at me with a serious face. He lifts his hand and before I could protect my face he punches me making me fall onto the ground. "I always knew you was a whore!"

I hear shouting and footsteps running towards us but the stop. I look up and see Ethan holding a gun smirking "my turn!" I look over and see 4 boys holding JJ back, 6 boys holding JT back and 8 boys holding Harrison back. I stand up and shake my head "stop!" Ethan smirks and points the gun at me "you would really take a bullet for these idiots?" He smirks and looks at them "do you think they would take one for you? You are just a slut who they see as a quick fuck!" Harrison manages to get free of the 8 boys holding onto him and runs towards Ethan. It all happens so fast and all I remember is hearing the gun going off. I look at Harrison as he falls to the ground and that is when it hits me. All my memories comes back, from the very first time I met him.

As he bleeds out in my arms the rest of the boys chase Ethan and his friends while Jen stays with me on the phone to the ambulance. He looks at me and smirks "I'm glad you remembered." I kiss his head with tears running down my face "shhh." I shake my head and squeeze his hand "save your energy." He kisses my hand and smiles "if I don't make it I want you to go with JT." I shake my head and laugh nervously "what? No." He nods agreeing "he is a nice boy." I kiss his hand and wipe my tears "but he isn't you." He places something in my hand and smiles softly as he opens his mouth "I love you." I smile back at him and nod firmly "I love you too." He starts to close his eyes and his hands go loose around my hand.

I look at Jen and she paces the street "the ambulance is here." I look at Harrison as the ambulance pulls up beside us but I knew it was too late and he was gone. I stand up and watch as the paramedics take him into the ambulance and just like that my soulmate was gone. I look at my hand as see his ring. I look at Jen and she cuddles me. "I'm glad I got my memories back because now he won't be my forgotten love." She squeezes me tightly as the ambulance drives off.

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