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We spend the next hour getting drunk and talking at the pier. As he sits down he smirks. "So what made you move here?" I laugh nervously and drink the whiskey in my hand. "Next!" He rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Fine." He stands up and shrugs. "How long are you going to make me wait to finally give you a kiss?" I push a strand of hair behind my ear and laugh nervously. "It isn't very romantic when you ask for it." He grins and walks towards me. "I didn't want to be rejected." I look at him and see Harrison standing at the back door behind him. "What makes you think I would reject you?" He shrugs and walks closer towards me. "Because I have noticed Harrison hasn't taken his eyes off you so I'm guessing there is some sort of history?" I shrug and look at the floor. "Exactly." I look at him and smirks. "It's history and in the past." He leans into me and kisses me for a few seconds before I back away laughing nervously.

. "What's wrong?" I shrug and look towards the floor. "Nothing." He smirks and sits beside me. "I'm guessing it isn't just in the past?" I look at him and shake my head. "I'm sorry." He shrugs and smiles. "That's ok." He hands me the whiskey and stands up on the chair. "A toast." I shrug and stand up. "Ok?" He holds his beer up. "To you, to me and to happiness." He winks and I nod firmly. "Cheers to that." I down the whiskey and go sit back down but lean too far back and the next thing I know I am falling into the water below the pier.

Jen watches as I fall back and runs towards me. "April!" JJ and Harrison both run towards the pier and look over. "What did you do?!" Harrison grabs Jordan and he laughs nervously. "Calm down Romeo!" Harrison shakes his head and takes his jacket off. "She can't swim you jackass!" Before Harrison gets the chance to jump over the pier and into the water someone else beats him to it. A strange figure jumps into the water and after a few seconds pulls me up to the surface. As they all watch Harrison looks at JJ and Jen. "Who is that?" They both shrug. "I'm not sure." They all run towards the pier stairs for us.

I climb up the stairs and Jen hugs me. "Are you ok?" I nod agreeing and smile. "I'm fine." I look around and smirk. "You!" Jen scoffs and shakes her head. "John-Thomas?" JT looks at Jen and nods firmly. "Evening Jennifer." I shake my head and smirk. "You two know each other?" Jen nods firmly. "He is Caleb's girlfriends brother." I smile and shrug. "So when you said you was going to your sisters party it turns out we was going to the same party." He shrugs and smiles. "I guess so." Caleb runs down with a jacket. "Are you ok?" I nod agreeing and smile. "I'm fine." JT takes the jacket and wraps it around me. "So how about that drink?" I smirk and shrug. "Sure." He nods towards the house and I walk towards it leaving everyone else standing behind speechless.

Harrison looks at Jen and shakes her head. "Who is he?" JJ scoffs. "Someone who probably won't lead her on." He wraps his arm around Jens and smirks. "Let's go." Harrison shakes his head. "What are you talking about?" JJ rolls his eyes and looks at Harrison. "So you wasn't with my sister AGAIN last night?" Harrison looks towards the house and shrugs. "Yeah but how did you know?" JJ shrugs and looks him up and down. "April called you and Annabelle answered your phone." Harrison takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair. "HOW many times do I need to say that NOTHING is going on with me and Annabelle?" JJ shrugs. "Not me you need to convince but the way yous are I don't blame April for thinking it." JJ and Jen walk towards the house leaving Harrison standing alone.

We get inside and JT's sister runs towards us with a towel. "Are you ok?" I smile softly and nod agreeing. "I'm fine." JT looks me up and down. "Melissa can you get her some dry clothes?" She looks at me and nods agreeing. "Come with me and I will grab you some dry clothes?" I nod agreeing and follow her. "Are you coming?" I look at JT and he smirks. "Me?" I nod agreeing and take his hand. "Yes, you." He follows me upstairs and into a bedroom after Melissa. She hands me a dress and smirks. "There is hair things in the bathroom if you need them." I smile softly and nod agreeing. "Thank you." She nods firmly at looks at JT. "I will find you after." He laughs nervously and walks towards the door after her. "I can't wait!"

He closes the door and turns around. "Want me to wait outside?" I shake my head and take my clothes off. "Your fine." He laughs nervously and quickly turns around facing the wall. "Cool." I smirk and stick the dry clothes on. "You can look now."

He walks towards the makeup table and grabs a hairbrush. "Here." I smile softly and take it. "Thank you." I walk towards the bed and sit down. "So..." He walks towards me and shrugs. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" I shrug and start brushing my hair. "I fell." He looks at the top of my arm and nods. "Are you ok?" I look at it and see a bruise. "I didn't even realise it was there." He runs his fingers up my arm and strokes the bottom of my hair. "I'm sorry." He shakes his head and quickly moves his hand away. I smirk and shake my head. "For what?" He looks at me and shrugs. "For touching you without permission." I smile nervously and run my hand across his thigh as I move closer into him. "You have my permission." I lock my eyes onto his lips and he kisses me passionately.

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