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The next morning I wake up in bed alone. I look over and see my dress clean and folded on the chair along with a note. I take a deep breath before getting out bed and sticking my dress on. I grab my trainers and leave the guest house without even touching the note. I look around and shake my head. "Of course I left my bag in his house."

I head back into the guest house and smirk when I spot a house phone. "Bingo." I walk towards it and dial Jen's number. She answers after the second ring sounding like I just woke up her. "It's me, can you get me from Harrison's?" I hear her laughing sarcastically. "Ohhh." I roll my eyes and look at the lake through the window. "Be there in 10." I smirk and nod firmly. "I will start walking down." I hang up and walk out the door closing it behind me.

As I start walking down towards the road I start remembering things from last night. How I was all over him and him rejecting me. I take a deep breath and smile when I see Jen's car pull up. I get into the passenger side and she drives off. The first few seconds was an awkward silence until I finally break it. "Nothing happened and to be honest I don't think Harrison even likes me like that." She shrugs and smiles. "I wasn't going to ask." I roll my eyes and lean back. "Of course not."

She smiles and plays the radio. "So what makes you think he doesn't like you?" I shrug and look out the window blushing. "Because I took my clothes off last night and was on a plate for him but he turned me down?" She rolls her eyes and looks at my dress. "Harrison wouldn't take advantage when you are drunk." She shrugs and looks towards the road smirking. "You are thinking too much into it." I shrug and lean back looking at her. "You think so?" She nods agreeing and smiles softly. "Didn't you speak to him this morning sober?" I laugh nervously and look out the window. "Well he left when I got up but left me a note." She nods firmly. "Saying?" I laugh nervously and shrug. "I didn't read it?" She pulls up outside the house and smiles. "So you left your bag?" I nod and smile. "Yes but I'm sure Harrison or Mr and Mrs M will bring it tomorrow when they come restaurant, I am so happy I start late on Mondays." She hands me her house keys and smirks. "I'm having brunch with my dad but will be back later tonight." I nod agreeing and get out the car. "See you then." I wave at her before closing the car door.

The next morning I wake up at the sound of my alarm clock. I hit the button and get up. "God I really need my phone back." I stretch and head into the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I stick my clothes on I hear the doorbell ringing. I raise my eyebrow and walk towards the door and answer it. "Morning April." The mailman hands me a parcel and smirks. "Morning John." I take the parcel and wave as he walks away. I close the door and place the parcel on the table before sticking my shoes on and heading out the door.

An hour into my shift I look at Jen and shrug. "Why is it so quiet today?" She shrugs and looks towards the door. "Here come the school kids." I walk towards VIP and smirk. "Good luck." As I start serving them I overhear a girl talking about Harrison. She leans over the table and shrugs. "Well I heard my big brother say that Harrison is over Annabelle and has a new girlfriend who is prettier, funnier and better." I smirk and look at them. "Can I get yous anything else?" She shakes her head and spots the ring on my finger. She nudges her friend and points towards the ring. "Oh my god! It's you." I blush and wink at her. "Yous girls enjoy."

As I walk towards the kitchen with a tray I spot Harrison speaking with Jen. I roll my eyes and continue to walk. I place the tray down and grab some water from the fridge as the kitchen door opens and Harrison walks in. He walks towards me and shrugs. "So you didn't even read the letter?" I scoff and shrug. "I didn't want to know that you had a goodnight but it wasn't going to work." He smiles and pulls the letter out his pocket. "That is not what it says." He opens it and takes a deep breath. "Good morning my spring chicken, I'm sorry I had to leave you in bed alone but unfortunately I have to do something. I will be back at 1 if you are still here, love H." He hands me the note and shrugs. "So yeah..." He scoffs and walks away. "Well thank you for thinking like the rest of everyone in this town."

I look at the kitchen door and shake my head. "Fuck!" I run out and spot him walking towards the table where his parents are sitting. I take a deep breath and walk towards them. I smile softly and look at Harrison. "Can we talk?" He doesn't look up at me, just shakes his head. "I have nothing else to say." I look at Mr and Mrs Manchester and smile nervously. "Are yous ready to order?" Harrison stands up and places my bag on the table. "I'm not hungry." I take the bag and shake my head. "Harrison wait!" He doesn't look back as he runs out the café. I look at Mr and Mrs Manchester and smile nervously. "Sorry about that." Mrs Manchester places her hand on my arm. "He will come around dear." I smile softly and nod. "I hope so." I grab my iPad and smirks. "The usual?" They both nod and smile. "Thank you." I stick the iPad back into my apron. "Won't be long." I take my bag and head into the staff room.

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