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After getting every shot into their cups they finish and a lot of other people are by the table wanting to play. As I wait for the cups to be refilled I look at Eric and smirk. "We make quiet the beer pong team." He smirks and looks at me. "Yes we do." He takes the ball and smirks at me. "Guess Ethan was right about you being good at it." I laugh nervously and look at him with a concerned look. "What?" He flings the beer pong and it goes into the cup. "Ethan?" He nods agreeing. "Yeah?" I laugh sarcastically and look around. "You know Ethan?" He smirks and nods towards a table filled by 3 other boys. "He is over there." I look over and my heart drops. "Where?" He looks over and shrugs. "He was." He shakes his head and hands me the ball. "Guess he went to pee or something." He looks at me and winks. "You know what he is like with drugs and drink in him." I laugh nervously and step back. "Yous need to leave." He smirks and walks towards me. "Why? I thought we was having fun."

I look around for Jen or JJ but notice they are both at the other side of the garden playing. I look back towards Eric and smile softly. "Stay away from me!" I run towards them but stop when I see Ethan standing right in front of me. "Hello Ariel." He places his hand on my shoulder and smirks. "Long time no speak." He puts pressure onto my shoulders making them hurt. "What do you want?" He looks towards Eric and nods firmly. "To take you home with me, where you belong." I look towards Jen and JJ and smile as they both laugh at each other. "Never!" I kick him in the balls and he falls to the ground. "Bitch!"

I run towards Jen and JJ but I feel someone grab my waist and carry me away. "Jen! JJ!" They both look over and their face drops. "April!" They run towards me as Ethan puts me into a car. "Let me go!" He smirks and shakes his head. "Nope." He closes the car door but before he could get into the driver side I watch as a baseball bat swings at him knocking him out with one hit. The door opens and I see JT standing with a bat. He quickly gets me out the car and nods towards Jen and JJ still running towards us. "Run!" The other men get out the car and I shake my head. "No." He stands in front of me as the other men walk towards us. "Then stay back."

I look towards Ethan and see a gun in the back of his trousers so I grab it and aim it at the men. "Take him and leave!" The men all pull guns out and point it at me. I don't move or step down. I look at them and smirk. "I'm sure Ethan would be thrilled with yous if he finds out yous shoot me?" They all look at each other and lower either guns. "Now again, get him and leave!" Eric smirks and steps forward as one of the bigger men places Ethan into the car. "He didn't say we couldn't kill anyone else." He smirks at me as he aims his weapon again and fires it twice.

I jump back and look around and that is when I see it. "JJ?!" I run towards JJ as he falls onto the floor. "No!" I kneel beside him and smile softly with tears running down my face. "Stay with me JJ!" He squeezes my hand and looks at me. "Run!" He closes his eyes and I look at Jen who is on the phone. "Where is this ambulance?!" She nods firmly and comes off the phone. "The ambulance and his dad are on their way." Jen looks at JT and nods. "Take her." I shake my head and look at Jen. "What?" I look at JJ and nod firmly. "I'm not leaving him!" JT picks me up. "I'm sorry but we don't have an option." Jen looks at me and nods nervously. "I will call you tomorrow and explain but for now you NEED to go with JT and do not tell ANYONE where you are, ok?" Before I could argue with her JT picks me up and places me into a car before driving off.

As I sit in the passenger side with tears running down my face I wait for JT to speak but after a few minutes of silence I finally break it. I look at him and shrug. "So are you going to tell me why I need to hide with you?" He looks into the rear-view mirror and nods firmly. "JJ's family are bad people so when they find out that JJ was shot because a boy you know they will take it out in you." I look at him with a worried and shocked look. "What?" He shakes his head and holds my hand. "You will be ok." He looks at a car as it drives past. "JJ will be treated by the best doctors and will be able to explain to his dad that it wasn't your fault." I look at the ambulance as it speeds towards the house. "IF he makes it." He kisses my hand and smiles softly. "He will." He pulls up to a gate and pressers the buttons on the keypad. "You will be safe here." The gate doors open and he drives in.

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