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Harrison hands Jen a glass of water as she sits up straight trying to keep her eyes open. "Hey!" She jumps and looks at the glass. "You get me another vodka and lemonade?" Harrison shrugs. "Sure." She downs it in one and smirks. "Thank you." He pours her another and shakes his head. "Here you go." Before she can take it she lays down on the booth and knocks my bag over. Harrison reaches down and starts picking everything up from the floor when he spots my diary laying on the floor. He looks at the bar and takes a deep breath. "Nope!" He quickly sits up and sticks it back into my bag. "No!" He looks up and see's Jen running towards him. "Don't read that!" She takes the bag and he scoffs. "I wasn't going to?" She sits down and nods firmly. "Good." She places the bag beside her and shrugs. "If she wanted you to know about that ass she would tell you." Harrison smirks. "What ass?" She shrugs and wraps her arms around the bag. "No one." She lays back down and falls asleep.

JJ sits me down on some stairs and I look around. "Where are we?" He stands in front of me and shakes his head. "In the back lane." He look around and takes a deep breath. "I love you April and I'm sorry for being selfish bit I'm NEVER going to let you just leave town and walk out my life!" I smirk and stand-up. "I love you too!" I hug hum and take a deep breath. "But you read the diary?" I sit back down on the step. "If Ethan does really come back then I can't and won't go back through that?" He sits beside me and hugs me. "I'm not going to let you go through that or anything like that again? I promise." I lean into his shoulder for a few seconds but he gets dragged up. I look up confused and see Ethan pinning JJ against the wall. "What the hell man?!" JJ smirks at him. "What the hell is your problem?" I stand up and step back when he looks at me with a grin on his face. "Oh how I have missed you Ariel." Still holding onto JJ I shake my head and step forward. "Let him go Ethan!" JJ's face goes red with anger. "Ethan?!" Ethan smirks and shoves me making me fall onto the ground. "And you must be Harry?" Ethan flings JJ to the ground. JJ smirks and looks at him. "Nope, I'm not Harrison." I see Harrison run towards Ethan. "I am!"

Harrison pushes Ethan away from JJ. Ethan looks at me and smirks. "This won't take long." Harrison smirks. "No, it won't." He punches Ethan and makes him fall to the ground with a bloody lip. "You bastard!" Ethan picks up a piece of glass and stabs Harrison with it as he tries picking him up from the floor. Ethan smirks at me and shrugs. "Told you." Harrison punches Ethan and knocks him out with one more punch. JJ quickly gets up and helps me off the ground. "Are you ok?" I nod agreeing and look at Harrison as he is now on top of Ethan with a bloody hand. "That's enough Harrison." Still punching into him I see tears run down his face. "Harrison!" I pull him off and he holds his fist up to me but JJ grabs it. "Enough!" Harrison shakes his head and looks at me. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I wipe the tears from his face before kissing him. "I'm ok." I smirk and he cuddles me. "Good." He takes a deep breath and squeezes me.

I look around and shake my head. "Where is Jen?" Harrison nods towards the club. "Inside sleeping?" JJ smirks. "I will get her and meet yous back at the hotel?" Harrison looks at me and shrugs as he wraps a bit of his t shirt around his cut hand. "Why don't you two come back to mine tonight and stay? I would feel better knowing yous both are ok and safe?" I nod agreeing and he kisses my forehead. "Good!" He takes my hand and kisses it. "I will get us a taxi and yous get Jen?" I nod agreeing and look at Ethan. "Ok." JJ wraps his arm around mine and leads me back into the club and towards a very sleepy Jen. "Ariel?" I smirk and nod firmly. "I had to change my name when I left." He shrugs and smile. "I like it."

As we pull up to Harrisons house I see his dad waiting. "You called your dad?" He nods agreeing and smiles. "I only told him that yous were crashing here for the night." The taxi stops and he squeezes my hand. "Don't worry." I smile softly and get out the taxi when it stops. "Hey girls." Harrison carries Jen out the taxi and smirks. "Where too?" Andrew points towards the house. "Just any guest room." He walks inside and I follow after him.

He carries Jen into a guest room and lays her on the bed. "Is this ok?" I nod agreeing. "This is perfect." I take Jen's shoes off and laugh nervously. "Do you have two spare t-shirts?" Harrison nods agreeing. "Of course." He walks out the door and I wake Jen up. "Hey." I smirk as she looks at me. "We need to get you out these clothes and into something comfortable?" She holds her mouth but the sick goes all over me and in my hair. "Lovely." Harrison walks in and smirks. "Eww!" He hands me the t-shirts and shakes his head. "I will see if my mum will help her get washed and changed while you get yourself washed and changed?" I nod agreeing and take one of the t-shirts. "Thank you." He points towards the door. "You know where to go?" I smirk and nod agreeing. "I remember where your bedroom is." He smirks and nods firmly. "Cool."

After my shower in Harrisons ensuite bathroom I walk out and grab one of his jerseys when I hear a knock on the door. "Can I enter." I roll my eyes and stick the t-shirt on. "You may enter." He walks in and smirks. "Feel better?" I grab my dirty clothes and place them in his laundry basket. "Goodnight." I walk towards the door but he takes my hand and spins me around. "Wait." As I stand 2cm away from his face I smirk. "Yes?" He kisses me and I fall into his arms like it was the most normal feeling because right now it was.

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