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JT wraps his arm around my waist as he leads me outside. He stands me against a wall and smiles softly "I will order us a taxi, ok?" I nod agreeing and he pulls out his phone. After a few seconds he smirks and sticks his phone back into his pocket "done." I laugh nervously and shake my head "how long is the taxi going to be because I really need the toilet?" He smirks and nods towards the bar "the taxi can wait." I smile and nod firmly "thank you." I quickly run back into the bar and into the girls bathroom.

I look into the mirror and fix my hair "I really need a shower." I apply some lip gloss before fixing my t-shirt "better." I head back outside and that is when I see Harrison punching JT. I run towards them and shove Harrison "what the hell are you doing?" Harrison looks at him and shakes his head "why are you pretending to be someone else?" I scoff and shale my head "he isn't!" I look him up and down "he told me who he really was unlike you!" His face drops and he stutters "I can explain." I roll my eyes and help JT up "don't bother." I hand him a napkin from my bag and wrap my arm around his. I smile at a car as it pulls into the car park "taxi is here." We walk away from Harrison and get into the taxi.

I look at JT's bloody lip and smirk "guess that is one way for me not to kiss you again?" He smirks and places his hand in mine "just friends." I lean my head on his shoulder "just friends." He kisses my head and I place my hand on his thigh. "We are here." I look out the window as we pull up outside my house. He shrugs and laughs nervously "so I guess I will see you around?" I shake my head and roll my eyes before kissing him "I hope so." I wave at him as I get out the car "bye." He grins and waves back "bye." I close the taxi door and it drives off.

I get in and JJ is standing with his hands crossed "where have you been?" I shrug and take my jacket off "out?" Jen runs downstairs and hugs me "thank god!" I laugh nervously and shrug "what?" She looks towards the floor and laughs nervously "we have something to tell you." I hear someone coming downstairs. I look over and see Harrison. I roll my eyes and walk towards the kitchen "hello Harrison." They all look at me shocked "you knew?!" I nod agreeing and grab a bottle of water from the fridge "yip." Jen laughs nervously and raises her eyebrow "so who was with you?" I wink at her and walk towards the stairs "JT." Harrison scoffs and shakes his head "guess he won." He walks towards the door but I stop him "won?" I scoff and close the door "I am not a prize that you can just win?!" He grins and nods agreeing "I know." I roll my eyes and open the door "goodnight Harrison." He winks at me and waves "goodnight April." I close the door behind him "don't start." I turn around and shake my head "I'm going to bed." I walk past JJ and Jen "goodnight."

I walk into my room and get undressed. I grab a nightdress and get into bed. I take a deep breath and look at the door as it opens "April?" I smile and sit up "come in Jen." Jen walks in and sits beside me "are you ok?" I nod agreeing and smile softly "I'm not sure where my head was before but I know where it is now." She shrugs and looks towards the floor "its JT isn't it?" I nod agreeing "yes, its JT." She rubs my arm and smiles "I just hope you know what you are doing?" She stands up and I take a deep breath "I don't, that's the problem? I can't just wait around for my memories to come back though so I'm going with what I think feels right now." She hands me an envelope and smiles softly "read this and sleep on it?" I take the envelope and nod agreeing "ok." She waves as she walks towards the door "goodnight." I wave at her and smile "goodnight."

I open the envelope when she leaves as pull out the letter that is inside. I take a deep breath and look at it "ok." I open it up and begin reading. "Smitten. I am 100% head over heels smitten. I can not explain how smitten I am but this WILL be the man I marry one day. He is me and I am him. He is my soulmate and I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Call it early or call me young and stupid but once you know you know, you know? Yeah we have our problems but we are a team and we get through them like a team. He is my person." I close my eyes and take a deep breath before continuing "I'm so glad I found my H and I cant wait to see what the future holds for us." I look inside the envelope and pull out a picture of me and Harrison smiling. I stick them all in my bedside drawer and turn my lamp off. I lay down and wipe away the tear running down my face before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

The next few days I go to work and back. I avoid Harrison and JT until my head becomes clear. Once Saturday comes Jen walks into my room and smiles "still unsure?" I sit up and nod agreeing "I was so sore it was JT but I called Harrison my person and I haven't called anyone that since me and Ethan first got together so I know it must have been something special?" She sits down and nods firmly "what you and Harrison had WAS special." She shrugs and looks towards my wardrobe "how about we go out and have a girls night? Get dressed up and hit the town." I smile softly and nod "sounds perfect." She stands up and smirks "good because I booked us a table for the club already so get washed and we can start planning our outfits." She winks at me before leaving my room.

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