2: Cursed Technique

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"Jujutsu Tech is a school that studies curses and how to exorcise them. The sister school of this branch is in Kyoto. There are only two schools existing here in Japan." Yaga-sensei said while showing me around.

Even though we're in Tokyo, the school doesn't look urban at all. With the surrounding trees and high terrain, it's almost like we're in the countryside instead.

I liked it.

"Today, you're going to meet one of your classmate. There's only three of you in the first-year class. Yuu's out and so you'll partner up with Kento for our mission today."

Mission? But I just got here...

"Uhm. Isn't there an exam or an interview for me? I mean, schools have that kind of thing, right?" I voiced out.

"Satoru already gave me the details about you. And since we have already vouched for your existence in the higher-ups, you're registered now in the society not as an unidentified special grade cursed victim, but a sorcerer instead."

Ah, yes.

The reason why Satoru was in Akita back then was because of me.

Apparently, because of my curse, they thought that I was a Special Grade Cursed Spirit and they sent him to exorcise me. The rest was a plot twist and now, I'm transferring as a student here at Jujutsu Tech.

Arriving at the school gate, there was a teen who was about my age that was already waiting for us. He had light-brown hair and a quite formal demeanor.

"Here's the other first year, your classmate, Sayuri." Yaga-sensei then said.

The young man stood straight and bowed really formally. I also did the same.

"Nanami Kento, first year. Nice to meet you."

"Abe Sayuri, uhm...first year. Pleased to meet you, too, Nanami-san."

There was an awkward silence after our short introduction. Yaga-sensei even cleared his throat, not expecting that Nanami and I came out to be a serious lot.

For our supposed mission, we arrived at an abandoned factory that had a distinct pressure belonging to curses.

One week before my official start, Satoru gave me a handbook, more like a scrapbook of his own scribbles. A guide to the introduction of curses.

The book sucks and has some weird drawings in it, especially because it was handwritten by him. It was even a miracle that I was able to decipher whatever he meant in it. You can say that I studied a bit before this day arrived.

We'll be exorcising curses.

"Sayuri, you'll be Kento's support. Kento-kun, make sure to guide her...she's not supposed to fight, just support." Yaga-sensei noted before he let down the curtain and sent us inside.

Support, huh? What does a support do?

"Abe-san, please follow my lead," Nanami said, already walking ahead of me.


There's not even a minute yet and curses were already gathering towards us.

I didn't have any weapon with me and so all I did was to make sure to stay out of Nanami's way as he exorcise them all. He was good at it too.

What am I even doing here?

"Let's continue." He said, swinging his blade which was wrapped in strange bandages afterward.


The same scenario repeated three times, and Nanami took care of them all. The longer he fought, however, I noticed that he was getting slower. He was running out of cursed energy, not to mention he was also exhausted.

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