19: Beginning of the End

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I woke up in the morning and found myself lying in my futon. I was back in our house, though I don't really remember returning. My kimono was changed, and pushing the blankets to the side, I noticed that there was no injury on my leg anymore. 

Was it a dream? Probably. If it were, then it was a really weird one. 

Father was right, I really am overworking. I need to rest and bring myself together before I go mad. 

I stood up and changed into my usual kimono and hakama. As I stepped outside my room, however, I tripped over something --- on someone who's lying just outside the door. 

"I didn't know you were that aggressive, brat." A familiar voice spoke while yanking my arm to straighten myself in front of him. He was sitting on the floor and I was on all fours, perpendicular to him. 

I looked over to the side and my eyebrows furrowed after seeing him with his usual smug. 

"You've got to be kidding me. It wasn't a dream? What are you doing here?" I pulled my arm from him and stood up. I then went to the door and opened it wide for him. "Please leave," 

"Now that's rude. That's what I get after sparing your life?" 

He swayed his finger and the door then closed shut. I clicked my tongue in annoyance after trying to pull it back again but to no avail.

I tried going to the other door at the back but then he also shut it close after following me behind. The windows didn't even become an option as he already closed them too, just after I took a glance at them. 

The whole house was closed down and if it weren't for the small cracks from the roof and the walls, it would've been too dark. I wouldn't be able to see him.

I took a step despite the dimly lighted space and immediately bumped into his chest. He appeared so quickly that I didn't even notice.

Only a few centimeters, I'll be losing all of my patience. 

"What is wrong with you? Leave my house now...if you're not leaving, then I'll leave!" I said while trying to push him with all my strength. But he never budged.

He let out a scoff and his arms got a hold of my hand and held me off from the ground. He then chuckled as he saw me glaring at him. 

"We made a deal. You said I'll cure your arms, and then you'll let me go. Your arm's good." I reminded.

"Indeed it is, Thanks to your help, I'm finally free as a bird."

"Good for you. Now get out." I repeated again with a stern voice. 

He let out a laugh and began walking towards somewhere. It is only then when he threw me to the futon that I realized I was back in my bedroom. "I said I'm not going to kill you, for now. That being said...I won't be killing you." He said closely.

Despite the dimly lighted room, I can see him well enough to know that he was on top of me. I was caged under his arms and he was smirking as he continued to gaze at me.

I let out a shriek as he ripped out my hakama. A sudden panic came into my system. 

"Hmm. Not bad. Your voice is pretty good...I want to hear more." He said.

Although I had a very little sense of danger ever since I was a child, I was not stupid to assess a situation and knowing what it was. And this one...is the very thing that scared me the most. 

"G-Get off of me." Despite the fear in my eyes, I demanded it in a low tone. 

My whole body was shaking in fear and anger but despite it, I didn't dare to cry. He was already entertaining himself with what he's doing, and I don't want to add another satisfaction to that by letting myself cry to him.

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