Part 29*

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There's a new character in this one...hope y'all enjoy!! 😉❤️ (also of theres typos...pretend you don't see it!)


"Hey, everything will be fine. I'll be right out here, anything you need just come get me." Hotch bends his knees so you're at the same height, his eyes sweet and encouraging.

"Thank you Aaron. Really." You give him a shy smile.

"Don't thank me, baby. I love you, I'd do anything to you." His words make your heart melt.

"I love you." You lean in to kiss him and he kisses you back eagerly leaving you breathless. The feeling of loving him would never get old. You felt lighter and more energetic. You give him one more quick kiss before walking into your mother's room.

Logan is talking to a tall man with dirty blonde hair. He's not wearing a white coat like other doctors, just a plaid sweater vest over a button down. His hair was a messy mop. He was cute. Was this the Dr. Reid that he had been talking about? He was so young.

Turning to see you, Logan says, "Dr. Reid this is my sister Aisha." He smiles but it doesn't touch his eyes.

"You didn't tell me your sister was so beautiful." Dr. Reid takes a couple steps toward you, but doesn't offer his hand.

"Er, thank you. Dr. Reid, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard lots of good things." You stick out your hand for him to shake.

His eyes drink you in, lingering on your face for so long that you blush. "Please, call me Spencer. I don't usually shake hands but for you...well." He smiles, his voice sweet.

"Spencer." You shake his hand firmly. His smile is infectious and you fine yourself grinning as you release his hand. You're glad that Hotch had stayed outside as he wouldn't have reacted well to this.

"Dr. Reid was just telling us our options." Logan explains awkwardly.

"Right. Where's mom?" You ask looking at the empty bed.

"She's getting some tests done. Would you both like to sit?" Spencer motions to the chairs.

"Sure." You and Logan say at the same time, taking your seats across from Spencer.

"In your mother's case there are a couple different options. Both of them are difficult, one would require one or both of you to manage her care yourselves. The other is easier time wise but is extremely expensive. It would entail employing a full time caretaker to handle all her needs. You would work alongside them."

"Logan we can't afford to do either of those things." You look at him and for once the look in his eyes isn't disdain, it's fear. He's as scared as you are.

"I know...I don't know what we're going to do." His voice breaks and you grab his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Either way, I'll be here to support you the entire time." Spencer put his hand on your knee, his eyes flicking from your lips and back up to your eyes.

He was really laying it on thick here. You shift in your seat and look over at Logan, hoping to move the focus to him. He hadn't explicitly said anything that would prompt you telling him you were taken and you didn't want to make things weirder.

"I think the second option makes the most sense, neither of us can just quit school or work." Logan's eyes flick down to Spencer's hand on your knee but he doesn't say anything.

"We can't afford that option, Logan." Your eyes flick up to meet Spencer's and your breath hitches. The look in his eyes is lustful. You weren't planning on getting involved with him, obviously but you couldn't deny that he was attractive. You move your knee of his reach and move a bit closer to Logan, hoping that he'll get the hint.

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