Pistole Part 1

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"Losers who possess the ability to heal others, Monster Launch is hurt!" Venom screamed as he kicked down the door to the hospital, cradling Launch bridal style. The front desk staff looked shocked that a huge monster broke into the hospital, but soon registered what was happening with woman in his arms.

"Can you tell us what happened? What kind of medicine does she take? How long ago was she unconscious? Does she have any conditions or allergies? Is she-" The nurses said as they got her onto a makeshift bed and carted her out.

"Monster Launch fought in the 21st World's Martial Arts Tournament against strong fighter named Nam. No. Seven minutes. No allergies. Has multiple personality disorder." Venom said in rapid succession.

"I'm sorry, can repeat that?" Said one one of the younger nurses.

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR US? WE-" Venom roared before one of the older nurses stepped in.

"Don't worry sir. We got it." The older nurse said as she carted Launch towards the medbay. "She will be in safe hands."

Venom breathed a sigh of relief as he followed Launch up until a particular set of double doors. This is where the nurses stopped him.

"I am sorry err-" The younger nurse started to say, but stuttered after realizing they hadn't asked the symbiote's name.

"Venom. We are Venom." Venom said, still worried but had gotten calmer.

"Mr. Venom, we cannot not allow you behind these doors." The young nurse said. "In order for our patients to receive the best treatment, we can't allow any visitors past this point. Do you understand?"

Venom gave a twitch of the head in an odd direction as if he was a house dog trying to process information. After a moment, the symbiote understood.

"You don't expect us to leave?" Venom growled, staring down the frightened nurse.

"Th-There are seats ri-right over there Mist-Mister Venom." The poor woman stuttered, her hand pointing to the lobby closest to where Launch would be situated.

"And how long do you expect us to wait?" Venom said easing up, but still applying the fear factor.

"You can st-stay for as long a-as you li-like." The woman said before scurrying off to take care of Launch.

Venom stood there for two minutes in an expressionless state. No one could tell whether it was shock, anger, or some other emotion. Even Goku and Venom themselves couldn't quite comprehend it. Then he simply walked over to the row of seats that the nurse pointed to and sat. Afterwards, he didn't move a muscle, his face blank and robotic, and just stared blankly at the wall, seemingly devoid of life. Even Goku, who usually had something cheerful to say, was at a loss for words. The symbiote's mind and emotions almost, for the first time ever, completely dominate over his host. It would remain that way until his friends would arrive.

Meanwhile, back at the operation room...

"Set her down safely." The head surgeon said as they brought the body onto the table. "Who do we have here and what is her condition?"

"The person, or rather creature, who brought her here called the victim 'Monster Launch.'" The head nurse said. "Her injuries include a broken left arm, rib cage, internal bleeding, and a concussion with include external bleeding from the head."

The surgeon examined 'Monster Launch' up and down while checking the scans the machines took of her. His eyes narrowed in confusion as he looked at the older nurse.

"Nurse Jade, did you see if she had any of these external injuries when she was brought in?" The surgeon asked.

"Yes, myself and Nurse Mara can attest to it, Doctor Brio." Nurse Jade said. "Why do you ask?"

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