Chapter 35 ~ Deserved

Start from the beginning

I sighed. I couldn't take this anymore. The tears made their way out.
I shook my head as I took place on the chair. My hands in my hair as I bended forward. Why did this all of sudden happen to us? Why? What have we done to deserve this pain. Jasmine was six months pregnant, she had only 3 months left. Life is extremely unfair.

We were waiting for more than three hours. The nurse had treated my wound in the meantime. It was only for Jasmine that I let her treat my wound. Else I wouldn't have cared about it at all.

The surgeon came outside.

"How is she?"
"Mr Matteo, we can't tell you anything now.
There's blood on it's way from another hospital. But she needs blood now! Your blood types matches with her."

"Then fucking take it! Quick!"
We went inside a room and the surgeon inserted the needle in my arm.

I saw how one bag of blood was filled. He wanted to take the needle out.

"Why did you stop?"
"Because you'll become weak when we take more."
I grabbed him by his collar.
"Zayn don't!"
"Shut up James!" James sighed in frustration.

"Doctor, would you like to stay alive?"
He nodded.
"Then take as much blood as she needs. I want  my child and my wife to stay alive. Suck that damn blood out of my body. I don't care, even if it means that I have to die. Do it, quick!"

He nodded as he filled another bag.

I felt dizzy but I shook my head.

"We've got enough blood."
He took the needle out and ran quickly away to the surgery room.

As I got up I stumbled.
"You okay mate, come sit down for a moment."
"I can't James. I have to take care of some people."

"You can't go anywhere right now."
"Are you my boss or am I yours?" I hissed back.
"I know Zayn, but look at your condition. If someone finds you like this they'll kill you at the spot."

"I won't be killed until I kill the person who did this to my wife and child." I marched away.
"Zayn dude come on! For once listen to me!"
"Stay out of this James!"

I grabbed him by his shoulders. "Listen to me mate, take care of Jasmine. Let no one enter her room besides you and the surgeons. If someone behaves weird, just point the gun between their eyes and kill. Am I clear?"

"Yes boss!"
I nodded and gave him a hug.
"I'll be back by tonight."
"Yes boss!"

I walked away. Damn it this dizzyness is fucked up.
"You two make the helicopter ready. We're heading back to the mansion."
"Yes boss."

~~~ 10 minutes later Zayns POV ~~~

As I went inside the mansion I punched the security guard in his face.

"How the hell did you mess up like this?! Who the fuck do you think that you are? Did I train you to be like this? You fucking failure, even hell is a too good place for you. How did all of this happen?!"

"Cas-Cassy it was Cassy boss. She came inside in the car in which we bring the groceries. She was wearing this black thing, almost like a grimreaper. As I wanted to turn around she hit me with a brick on my head. That's when I passed out."

"Where are the security videos?!"
They brought a laptop in which Cassy was clearly visisble. You whore, you witch! I saw how Jasmine entered the bathroom. That was when Cassy entered our room through the window.

I hit the table with my fist.
"Fucking hell!"
Jasmine came outisde and Cassy grabbed her by her hair. I was loosing it completely.

I felt dizzy and miserable to see my wife being stabbed. I felt so weak so damn weak. She crawled towards the corridor a long blood line following her. At the stairs she fell down.

MR. ZAYNWhere stories live. Discover now