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NOTES: Favorite part starts here. :')


That day was an unusual day as Izuku noted.

Instead of being in his supplementary classes like he should be, he had excused himself, and instead, asked permission to use one of the gyms to train. He also asked permission through the phone, instead of in person, which was what he would usually do.

He wanted to avoid people as much as possible that day.

The sound of running water from one faucet echoed throughout the shower room of this gym.

Izuku cupped his hand underneath the faucet, then he splashed his face with the cold water. It didn't even matter to him if some of the water had missed and got to his body instead. He didn't have his shirt on anyway.

He took a deep breath then he breathed out.

He looked up at the mirror in front of him, and he let out a small chuckle.

The black eye's starting to change color. It was red earlier.

After Ochaco gave him the words of acceptance he didn't know he had been waiting to hear since he was reminded by Sir Nighteye of-- he decided he was done being shoved around by the Pro Hero.

At first, it was just something simple. He tried his best to not let Sir Nighteye's words affect him. He tuned them out to the best that he can. It took a while, but he accomplished this little step. He can master a new Quirk combo in under ten days, right? Compared to that, this was nothing.

Then on that day, Izuku decided to finally fight back against Sir and defend his dad.

"My dad is kindest man I know! He's not the villain that you accuse him to be! If anyone's the villain here, it's you! You're not a hero, Nighteye! You don't deserve to be called one!"

Izuku thought it was a good comeback to that poor excuse of a human being, and he never felt so better after.

But that feeling didn't last long. Instead, he felt a hard object hit his right eye.

Sir Nighteye never got physical before that day. Izuku never even saw that seal coming, and before he knew it, he was on the floor with Sir Nighteye's foot pressing against his head.

"All for One's son has no right to call me a villain! Villains like you and your father whose sins no longer make you human have no right to say who is a hero and who's not!"

Nighteye probably kicked him a few times while saying that but Izuku doesn't remember.

I really hit a nerve back there. Izuku chuckled.

Once Izuku finished putting on a gray shirt, he grabbed his things and started heading back to the dorms. He plans on getting to his room through the balcony. He can't let anyone see what Nighteye did to him.

"Cover that up, Midoriya. Or I'll let everyone know about your secret."

Just as he exited the locker room of the gym, his phone rang.

He stopped dead in his tracks then he let out an annoyed sigh as he closed his eyes, Now who is it? I really don't want to talk to anybody right now. If it's Dad, even less so.

Izuku debated between just letting his phone ring and answering the call, but ultimately, he decided on the latter, and he began fishing for his phone somewhere in his bag.

He furrowed his brows once he found his phone and he glared at the screen showing the caller ID. But once he read who was calling, his eyes started to water and tear up.

What took you so long to call, you idiot? He asked in his head as he accepted the call and placed his phone against his ear.

"Hello there, little brother! How you doing?" Izuku's older brother greeted brightly through the call.

Izuku covered his mouth to keep himself from making a crying sound as his tears started to flow. He couldn't help but curl onto himself as his emotions rushed through him.

It felt like it's been years since he heard his brother's voice. The person who's always there for him. The person who's always protected him. Where was he when he needed him?

"Hey~? You there?" Tenko asked after Izuku had stayed quiet for too long.

He couldn't think of what to say. He was just so glad to hear his brother's voice, yet so mad at the same time that his brother only thought about calling him then, his eyes couldn't stop crying.

Still, he tried to respond. He opened his mouth and said whatever he could at that moment.

"Please come home."

Izuku's voice broke and he couldn't hide his crying from his brother anymore.

"Tenko, please come home! I need you! I need my big brother! I don't know what to do anymore! I don't know if I can continue doing this! I don't know how long I can continue lying! Nighteye keeps saying Dad is a villain! I want to defend him, but I can't stand the abuse anymore!" Izuku yelled between his tears.

"Tenko, please..." Izuku pleaded as he fell on his knees. "I want to keep telling myself Dad isn't a villain, but I just don't know anymore."

"Tenko, please come home... I feel so alone..." Izuku pleaded.


Kurogiri stared at his master's eldest as he stood still and quiet for the last ten seconds, his tears still not showing any signs of stopping.

Tenko clenched his free fist and he tried to hide the sound of crying from his brother. He had to seem strong to his little brother, after all.

"W-where are you right now? Are you in UA?" Tenko asked. Izuku hummed yes over the phone.

"Good. Just-just calm down, okay? I'll-I'll--" His voice cracked. He gulped and tried to speak again, "I'll..."

But Tenko couldn't get any words to leave his mouth. His legs went weak and he had to sit down.

"Just... stay there... okay?" Tenko told his little brother. That was all the words he could muster at the moment.

"O-okay..." His brother answered weakly. Then Tenko ended the call.

He laid his phone down on the table in front of him, then he buried his face onto his hands as his tears continued to flow.

He sat there quietly for a while, then he let out a loud and defeated howl of anguish before he continued to sob.

Kurogiri didn't dare say anything while his master's eldest was at such a vulnerable state. It would be better if he just stayed quiet for now.

He watched his master's eldest continue to sob at his fault, but he flinched when his name was suddenly called with such a hostile tone, "Kurogiri."

"Y-yes, Tomura?" He nervously asked.

The young man raised his head from his hands, revealing the red eyes he inherited from their father, still overflowing with tears but absolutely seething with anger.

"Open a gate to our home. I want to have a word with my father."


NOTES: He called Hisashi 'father'. XD Hell fucking yes!

Now, because I know someone will say it, my favorite part actually has three acts. This is act one. Next up is act two.

...which probably won't be out for a while because guess who has a fever. :p

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