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Muscle Augmentation. It's a Quirk Izuku has multiples of, because it's the closest he could to replicating All Might's own Quirk. Because of that, he knows its strengths and weaknesses like the back of his hand. And right now, he knows very well...

I can't beat him and protect Kota at the same time. All I can do is buy enough time to-

Before Izuku could finish that train of thought, the villain sent a punch in the two boys' way, Izuku only barely able to evade and put more distance between them.

"I see. So we have the same Quirk. Haha. This'll be interesting." The villain said in a menacingly enthusiastic tone.

"Kota," Izuku whispered. "I'm going to buy some time for you to escape, so once I tell you to run, I want you to book it, okay?"

Kota's eyes widened, "What about you?! How are you going to beat that monster?!"

Tch. That's exactly why I want you to run. At my current state, I have no chance. Izuku cursed in his mind.

The greenette forced a smile, "I told you already, didn't I? I'm as powerful as All Might."

But why? Why are you...? Kota asked in his mind.

"To tell you the truth," The villain caught the two boys' attentions. "Tomura told us not to harm Stain's little favorite because he wouldn't want that."

The villain chuckled, "But like hell I'm going to do that! NOT NOW THAT I'VE LEARNED YOU'RE THE SAME AS ME!"


The villain immediately started laughing at the greenette's statement, "You won't do any wrong?! HA! In this world, those who win are the ones who are right! And those who die are wrong!"

"I never joined the League of Villains because I wanted to follow Shigaraki or Stain! I joined because I want to fight! Fighting is all I want to do! So come on, boy! WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT?!"

"Kota, RUN, NOW!" Izuku said as he pushed the little boy away and started activating 50% of his Power Limb combo on his right arm, which was already aching at the time.

Activating the Quirks on his legs, he charged towards the villain with his cocked back super arm. But the villain didn't try to evade the incoming attack. The force of the impact went past the villain's body and even started destroying the part of the cliff behind him.

Izuku pulled back his arm once more and delivered the same attack, albeit weaker than the first due to the pain.

Izuku couldn't help but grimace. That's all I can do.

Activate Quirk: Impact Recoil! Izuku started activating every hardening and reinforcement Quirk in his arsenal in preparation for the villain's attack.

"WHAT?! THAT'S IT?! HAHAHAHAHA!!" The villain sounded excited. "NOW IT'S MY TURN!"

Izuku braced himself.

From his right side, Izuku could feel the villain's attack land, making him wince. But what he didn't expect was—

H-he's breaking through Impact Recoil?!

Izuku was once again flung back to the side of the mountain. This second time was enough to make him cough blood. Izuku fell on his knees as he drew multiple breaths while staring at his arms.

He broke through Impact Recoil... so he is as strong as a handicapped Machi.

Both his arms were now broken. His right arm was already aching so much even before he threw his first punch. Add in the pain from using three 50% attacks, it was like that time after he fought Stain... it's already going numb.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now