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Izuku's eyes snapped open, only to find himself in a dark void that seemed to stretch for kilometers away, but at the same time feel claustrophobic.

Where am I?

Izuku tried to look around and move, but he couldn't.

I can't move my body! What's going on?


Izuku's eyes went wide as soon as he heard a voice. It's those things again.

...give them back...

He felt a hand on his arm, and it felt cold. He hasn't felt this kind of coldness since the Sports Festival. He gulped.

...give back what you stole...

More hands started grabbing his unmoving body, making him shiver to his bones.

I didn't steal anything!

You stole our Quirks...



I didn't steal them! Let me go!


The things started to claw into Izuku's body, making him wince at the pain. His eyes started to water.

Someone! Please! Save me! Izuku begged as the things continued to claw into him with their burning cold hands. He closed his eyes in hopelessness and he started to shed tears.

Then suddenly, a bright light appeared, making the figures flinch and disperse.

It's him!

He's here!

Get away!

The figures all started to panic.

Izuku opened his eyes, thankful that those things were driven away. But all the fear that vanished a second ago immediately came rushing back as he saw a familiar tall man in front of him, wearing a mask shaped like a skull.

Izuku immediately recognized him—All for One, the villain that fought All Might.


Izuku flinched when the villain called his name and reached his hand out to the greenet's face.


Wait, no! Stay away!

Izuku tried once again to move his body, but it was futile. His body still won't move, and he started to shed tears in fear.




Izuku screamed to the top of his lungs as he finally awoke.

"Izuku!" Izuku heard the same voice, making him panic even more.

"NO! STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He continued to scream in terror.

"Izuku! Izuku! Calm down!" Hisashi brought his youngest son into a hug as Izuku thrashed around violently.

"NO! STAY AWAY!" Izuku continued to thrash even within his father's embrace, making Tenko and Eri's concern for their brother grow as they watched from outside the room.

"Izuku, calm down! It's Dad! I'm here. Calm down." Hisashi tried to comfort the greenet.

Izuku's eyes widened and he finally calmed down as he realized that the nightmare was over. Izuku gritted his teeth. From tears of fear, he started to cry tears of joy.

"Dad... I'm glad you're here. I was so scared." Izuku continued to cry as he hugged his father.

"Don't worry, I'm here. There's no need to be afraid." Hisashi assured Izuku as he rubbed his son's back to soothe him. Izuku's tears continued to flow.

Tenko and Eri felt relieved that their brother had calmed down. It was the middle of the night when they were awoken by the screams from Izuku's room.

They immediately rushed to the greenet's room and found their father trying to wake their brother up, and Izuku subsequently thrashing around.

"Come on, Eri, let's get you back to bed." Tenko tried to lift his sister up, but the little girl didn't want to.

"I want to go to Izuku-nii. I want to give him a hug." The little girl stated. Tenko looked over to the inside of the room, and saw Izuku still crying inside their father's embrace.

Tenko kneeled down to get to Eri's level and told her, "You can go give Izuku-nii a hug in the morning. For now, I think it's best if we leave him and Dad alone. Is that okay?"

Eri was a little hesitant but soon nodded.

Tenko gave her a smile and picked her up. He glanced back inside Izuku's room before bringing Eri to her own room.

Tenko tucked Eri into her bed and waited for her to fall sleep, which fortunately didn't take long. Afterwards, he walked back to Izuku's room, where he found their father pulling a blanket over Izuku who's returned to sleep.

Hisashi saw him enter. He put a finger in front of his lips signalling to his eldest to be quiet. He then walked over to the chair in front of Izuku's study table and sat down.

"Were you able to see what his nightmare was about?" Tenko asked via his father's telepathy.

"He recognized me, Tenko. Izuku recognized me as All for One."

"What?!" Tenko reacted with worry. "Izuku recognized you?! This is bad."

"Don't worry. It seems like he only recognized my voice. I didn't see his whole nightmare, but what I did see was him picturing me as All for One as I called out to him." Hisashi explained.

"I miscalculated the heroes' moves, and as a result, Izuku was able to 'meet All for One'."

Hisashi then stood up and placed his hand over Tenko's shoulder, "But it doesn't change anything. We will still follow our plan."

Tenko sighed and the two of them exited Izuku's room. Then both headed towards their respective rooms.

"From this day forward, All for One has officially retired." Hisashi stated.

"And Tomura Shigaraki will be taking his place as his successor." Tenko continued.


NOTES: There is a sudden influx of sad songs on my YouTube Recommended feed. I actually listened to a melancholic song while writing this chapter.

edit: please don't send your parents to give writers heart attacks in the comments, thank you, bye~ ❤

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THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now