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"Izuku, where are you going?!" Ochaco asked the greenette heading out the door.

"I'm going to find Shinsou. He's still out there—!" Izuku suddenly fell on his knees.

"Izuku!" Exclaimed his classmates as they came to his aid and had him sit on one of the chairs. The pain had finally caught up to him.

"Wait here, I'll go get the first aid kit on the other room." Denki told them before leaving.

"Izuku, you need to rest. Your teacher already said he'll find him, right? You already did a lot!" Kota told the greenette.

"Kota's right, Izuku. I'm sure Aizawa-sensei will find Shinsou." Ochaco assured him. "So please, try to rest." She pleaded.

Izuku looked into the brunette's round eyes and he saw sincere worry for him. He couldn't help but sigh, "Fine."

I'll just have to leave finding Shinso to my clone. The greenette thought.


Dammit! Impact Recoil would be very helpful right now but I overexerted my real body at that last fight, even this body is affected. Izuku cursed in his mind as he watched the villain continue to patrol the area while he hid behind a tree with Momo.

The greenette then activated his Bird's Eye View Quirk. The two of us isn't enough to beat that guy. We're running out of time. I still need to find Shinsou! Izuku thought as he looked around.

Then he found two of his classmates, Mezo! Fumikage!

"Mezo? Mezo, can you hear me?" Izuku whispered, hoping he could be heard.

"If you can, just answer back."

"Y-yes. H-how are you—"

"That's not important right now. Me and Shouto are in a tough spot, I need you and Fumikage to meet us 15 meters south of where you are. Tell Fumikage and Dark Shadow to prepare themselves for battle."

Izuku checked if Momo was still unconscious before hiding her behind some bushes and putting a yellow barrier around her.

Izuku then came out of his hiding spot, which surprised Shouto, then he sent a clap to the villain to grab his attention, "HEY! I'M OVER HERE! THERE'S FLESH HERE!!!" He yelled while raising his red right arm.

"Hthere hyou hareee..." The villain made a 180 and started heading towards Izuku.

"Shouto, Momo's fine! Come with me, we'll need you for this plan!" Izuku immediately activated speed Quirks on him and called for his bichromatic friend. The latter didn't take his time and immediately came out of his own hiding spot.

"We?" Shouto asked as they ran towards the appointed rendezvous point with Mezo and Fumikage. It took approximately 20 seconds.

Mezo and Fumikage were hiding behind the trees, the moment Izuku and Shouto ran past them, Fumikage sent Dark Shadow to subdue the teeth blades of the villain.

"Fumikage, hold them still for a few seconds!" Izuku told him as he and Shouto stopped running and turned to face the villain.

"Shouto, restrain his body with ice!" The greenette ordered.

Crackling of Shouto's ice could be heard while Izuku activated Power Limbs on his legs and jumped up to a few feet above in front of the villain. He then cocked his left arm back and sent a super punch with enough force to break the blades and ice, and render the villain unconscious.

Shouto then encased the villain in ice again.

"Thanks for the help, you two." Izuku thanked Mezo and Fumikage, then he immediately asked, "Have the two of you seen Shinsou?"

"No. I don't think I have." Fumikage answered. Izuku turned his attention to Mezo, really hoping he, at least, got a glimpse of him with his Quirk, but Mezo shook his head no.

"Dammit!" Izuku cursed. "If I'd known the villains wanted him, I wouldn't have left him alone."

"Don't blame yourself, Izuku. Let's try to get back at the lodge, he might already be-"

"No, he's not, Shouto. He's still somewhere in the forest." Izuku cut him off. Of course, he knows Shinso's not there. Otherwise, he would've deactivated this clone already.

"I just hope the villains haven't got their hands on him yet." Izuku said under his breath.

"We'll continue to look for him. Mezo, you'll be our eyes and ears, keep your senses out for Shinsou and for villains. Shouto, guard our rear. Fumikage and I are the vanguard." Izuku instructed them.

"Come on, let's move out!"


Two members of the attacking villain group made their way through a part of the forest. One was a masked villain with notable measuring tape bands on his wrists, and the other was a man with burn marks. Although something felt off about the latter.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, Dabi double! Are you sure the targets are here?— ANSWER ME, YOU IDIOT!" The masked villain demanded.

"Could you shut up?! You're the one who lost your tracker! And you even made this faulty double! Don't ask me." The villain named Dabi told me.

"Hehe, sorry.— DON'T BLAME ME!" The masked villain contradicted himself.

It was then that Dabi noticed something and immediately sent flames toward his six, which a bunch of students were able to evade.

"They noticed us." The bichromatic stated.

"It's okay, we just need to get their tracker. No doubt, it will lead us to where Shinsou is." The greenette noted.

"Le gasp! It's that sleepy boy earlier! Did you have a nice sleep?— YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SLEEPING EARLIER, YOU SLACKER!" The masked villain contradicted himself again. The greenette visibly tensed up.

"Oh, did you want this thing?" Dabi held the tracker up as if teasing the students. The four tensed up.

"Well, you have to fight me to get it." The Dabi clone told them before sending out another attack to the students. The students immediately evaded.

"Hey, I thought we shouldn't hurt the green kid?— BURN HIM TO ASHES, DABI!" Said the masked villain. Dabi looked at him, slightly annoyed.

But because of this, he couldn't react fast enough to the sound of crackling and was trapped in ice.

The masked villain expressed worry, "Aah! Dabi!- That's what you deserve!" But contradicted himself again.

"Shit." The Dabi clone cursed as he started to turn into mud, shocking the students.

The students, however, didn't have much time to assess what just happened before a voice came from the transceiver attached to the masked villain, and said the words they didn't want to hear so soon.

"Vanguard Action Squad, targets acquired. Head to the rendezvous point immediately."

The greenette's eyes widened. They were too late-

No! They're still here, I can still get him back! Izuku yelled in his mind before charging towards the masked villain.

The masked villain was caught off guard by the greenette's speed, "Gaahhh!- No, you don't!" Then he immediately made two more Dabi doubles.

"Dabis, take care of them while I make my escape!— I'm sorry for forsaking you!" The masked villain contradicted himself.

Blue flames immediately made Izuku put some distance between him and the villain doubles.

"You're not going anywhere." One of the Dabis told them.

Izuku scowled.


NOTES: Periodical updates for now, unless I start doing updates per day again.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu