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"100 participants have passed. The elimination exam has ended. Those who failed will leave the premises. The Provisional Hero License Exam will begin after a 15-minute break."

The announcement echoed all over the stadium.

Shota leaned back on his seat with a sigh, which Ms. Joke used as an opportunity to mess with him by saying he is concerned with his students. Shota wouldn't budge though, much to the displeasure of the female hero.

Shota then looked over to the direction of Izuku's family, only to find them not at their seats. Shota furrowed his brows. When did they leave?

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, the students of UA's Class A were celebrating the fact that all of them were able to pass the elimination exam, and will all have the chance to take the license exam.

"Everyone, I'm so proud of all of you!" Momo cheerily told them, "Let's all pass the Provisional License Exam next, okay?!"

"Yeah!" Their classmates (minus a few) exclaimed.

Izuku watched his classmates with a smile while he was stretching his body. After he finished, he took a deep breath and breathed out.

Izuku was slightly surprised when someone started giving him pats on the back, maybe a little too enthusiastically (and aggressively).

"GLAD TO SEE YOU PASSED TOO, LITTLE GUY!" Inasa loudly proclaimed.

Izuku chuckled nervously, "Me too. Um, Inasa, could you move your hand a little lower to the left?"

Inasa was a little confused but still he obliged.

"Oh yeah, that's the spot. Thank you, Inasa-kun." Izuku said as he began to become relaxed. Backaches are still much better than broken bones. He thought to himself.

"No problem, little guy!" Inasa grinned.

But that grin disappeared when a certain bichromatic walked towards them. Inasa was wearing a scowl, something that Izuku caught, There's that flip again.

"Izuku, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" The bichromatic asked, catching the greenet's attention.

Izuku stood straight and assured his friend, "Don't worry, this is nothing. Just a little backache."

Shouto wasn't fully convinced but he knew Izuku won't completely admit, so he decided to let it pass for now. Then he turned his attention to the Shiketsu High student beside Izuku.

Inasa was scowling at Shouto, making the latter furrow his brows. "Is there something wrong?" Shouto asked.

Inasa didn't give an answer and continued to scowl at the bichromatic. This slightly annoyed Shouto, and the two of them ended up exchanging glares.

Izuku sensed the tension between them and decided to get in between his two friends, "Maybe we should keep you two apart for now." Izuku chuckled.

"What's your problem with me?" Shouto decided to push forward, "You've been glaring at me since earlier."

Inasa stood tall then he bluntly told the bichromatic, "I hate you and your father."

Shouto frowned at the other student's statement.

"I've hated you ever since I met you at UA's Recommendation Exams, ever since I saw how you had the same eyes as your father."

Izuku looked at Inasa in concern, his behavior seemed uncharacteristic of him. Almost like... Almost like I did after the training camp. He thought.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu