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Tenko ran to the clinic as fast as he can. He could still hear the echoes of his brother's screams, just playing over and over. Making him want to go to him even faster.

When he got to the door, he immediately slammed it open. Inside, he found Recovery Girl and Eraserhead, as well Ochaco, Tenya, and Shouto. And Izuku, still unconscious on the bed.

He took a few steps inside and was immediately greeted by the words, "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. My Quirk usually doesn't do this."

Tenko gritted his teeth.

He grabbed the dark-purple haired boy by the neck and slammed him against the wall. The boy was visibly terrified. Tenko startened to tighten his grip, making the boy whimper.

Tenko stopped when his arm was wrapped by a familiar cloth.

"I will not allow you to hurt any of our students." Shota declared.

Tch. You don't learn, do you, Eraserhead?

Tenko wrapped the cloth around his right arm a few more times then pulled Shota towards him. The latter was shocked to find that the former was stronger than he looked.

When Shota was near enough, Tenko grabbed the hero's right hand, the one that was disintegrated before, and squeezed it. Shota winced, This grip...

"You have an interesting fighting pattern, do you know that?"

Shota frowned at the man in front of him. No, it can't be.


Shota watched as the voice of his green-haired student softened the face of the man in front of him. Tenko let go of his hand and Shota released him of the capture tape.

Shota looked at his hand and remembered the grip of the villain that disintegrated it. Could he be...

"Izuku, are you okay?" Tenko asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. Izuku hummed yes while nodding.

"What happened?" Tenko asked. Izuku's face was neutral for a moment but he immediately went pale in terror.

Izuku hugged his older brother, planting his face in his shirt and letting out all the tears.

"...please don't... don't make me... I don't want to remember..." Izuku's words broke Tenko. He placed a hand on the boy's hair and gently rubbed it.

"Don't worry. I'm here now. Everything's gonna be alright." Tenko's voice was soothing to Izuku that it was able to calm his tears.

Shota took note of the sight.


For the Final Round, Shinso had to go against Katsuki. Shinso was still affected by the effect of his Quirk on Izuku that the moment the match started, he immediately forfeited, making Katsuki the champion.

Shota watched from the announcer's booth as All Might gave the winners their medals. All four winners were present: Katsuki as no. 1, Shinso as no. 2, and Izuku and Fumikage as the no. 3.

Izuku insisted that he attend the Awarding Ceremony despite Shinso being there, stating that not reappearing after his earlier bout would further disinterest hero agencies of him.

To assure that he doesn't have any other reactions to the boy, the teachers made sure to place Izuku and Shinso on opposite ends and gave each awardee enough distance between another.

Still, Shota was expected to erase the students' Quirks if something were to happen, just to be safe.

All Might first gave Izuku's medal.Toshinori saw the boy's face brighten up at the sight of the medal.

"Are you okay now, Young Izuku?" All Might asked. The green haired boy smiled sheepishly at his idol, "Yes, All Might."

"Good. You did well today." All Might hugged the boy before he walked his way towards Fumikage. Toshinori complimented the Young Tokoyami as well and gave him a hug and advice.

Then All Might walked towards Shinso.

"Young Shinso." Toshinori's voice was calm and tender but that didn't help in making the dark purple haired boy less jumpy.

"I would like to ask you something. Why do you think Young Izuku didn't attack first?" He asked.


"At your fight with him, he knew about your Quirk and so kept shut. But why do you think he didn't attack first?" Toshinori elaborated.

"I... I never thought about it."

"He was waiting for you to show what you can do. He was expecting you two to enter in hand to hand combat." Toshinori answered.

"But why? He's already stronger with his strength Quirks, what made him think that I'd have a chance against him?" Shinso was visibly confused.

"Hand to hand combat is not just about strength. It's about strategy, about how you can formulate a battle plan with your advantages and disadvantages in mind, and using your opponent's strengths against them."

Toshinori hung the second place medal on the boy then hugged him.

"Think about it, Young Shinso." All Might said as he walked towards Katsuki.

"So, how did I do?" Katsuki asked the Pro Hero with a neutral face.

"You did great, Young Katsuki. But you're real training is about to begin." All Might said as he hung the first place medal around his neck.

"I won't let you down."

All Might's ever present smile became wider as he hugged his successor. Then he faced the audience.


Shinso flinched.


And with that, this year's UA Sports Festival has come to an end.


As Tenko and Izuku were about to get in the car, the former's phone rang. He took his phone from his pocket and answered, "Hey, Dad."

Izuku looked at his brother.

"Already? But what about Izuku-- oh, okay." Tenko handed his phone over to his brother. "Dad wants to talk to you."

Izuku took the phone and placed it against his ear, "Hey, Dad... I'm guessing you just finished watching the Festival there?"

"Yes. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine now. I just want to rest at home."

"I see. You did great, by the way. Especially at the first event, you really blew them away, haha." Hisashi joked but Izuku didn't laugh.

"Hm... Izuku, can you put me on loudspeaker?" Hisashi asked. Izuku obliged.

"Tenko. On second thought, you can stay home for a few more days. Izuku needs you. But I expect you to come when I call for you."

Tenko's face lit up, "Thanks, Dad." The Hisashi hung up.

"Come on, Izuku. I'll cook you Katsudon for dinner tonight." Tenko said as the two of them got in the car.

The whole ride, Izuku just looked out the car window, wearing a tired face.

Give it back.

Izuku flinched and whimpered when he thought he saw one of the black figures again. Tenko noticed and immediately pulled Izuku towards him, letting his brother sink into a hug.

"Don't worry, Izuku, I'm right here." Tenko rubbed his brother's back.


THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now