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One last turn till Shota and the police squad accompanying him can see the doors to the Hassai's lab, but the moment they rounded the corner, they were surprised to see not the lab's doors, but a huge hole in the wall instead, making Shota furrow his brows.

He picked up his pace and ran ahead of the police to the lab. What greeted him made his eyes go wide. Everyone in that lab was dead, all covered in their own blood.

What the hell happened here? Shota asked to himself.

Before Shota could even try to connect any dots, his attention was immediately caught by screams coming from behind him. He quickly turned around, just in time for him to see a wind blade cut down the police squad and for him to take cover inside the lab.

Shota's capture cloth tensed as he clenched it tight. He went near the walls to try and take a look at whoever sent that attack, but the moment he stuck his head out, a windblade came rushing towards him, grazing his left cheek and cutting a few strands of his hair. Shota immediately retreated back to behind the wall.

Shota furrowed his brows as he recounted the assailant's appearance, That guy... he looks just like Kurogiri... the League of Villains? They're here?

Then his eyes found their way to the massacre at that lab, Did they do this? All so we won't get any of the information the Hassai has on them?

Shota gritted his teeth, Dammit. I need to inform the others that the league is here!

Shota tried to open his comm but before he could reach his earpiece, something-- someone grabbed his hand, preventing him.

He activated his Quirk at the direction of the unseen perpetrator, and almost immediately, the man made of white flames, the same one Shota saw from earlier appeared.

"Hello, Eraserhead-sensei." The man greeted him. Shota acted quickly and tried kicking the man away from him, but the man was able to evade and using just one hand, he threw Shota further into the blood red lab.

Shota was able to maneuver his body and land on his feet. He kept his gaze on the white Kurogiri as he once again reached for his earpiece-- only to find it no longer in his ear.

Shota's eyes widened as the man held out his missing earpiece between his fingers before crushing it right in front of him, making Shota grimace.

"I had planned on splitting your team up so you would be easier to pick out, but you ended up separating yourselves, making my job so much easier." The man told him.

He wanted to split us up? Why? Shota took interest in that part of his opponent's statement.

Suddenly, the man in flames rushed towards Shota.

He's fast! Shota thought as he sent out his capture cloth towards his opponent, planning on immobilizing him, but the man was able to evade and get above Eraserhead to bring a kick down towards the hero.

Shota immediately took a few steps back to evade the kick, then using his capture cloth he had yet to withdraw, he redirected it to try and capture the man again.

The man was quick to think, however, and was able to move the majority of his body out of the way, with the exception of his right leg, allowing Shota's capture cloth to wrap around it.

The hero made sure to hold on tight.

The man's glowing eyes widened as he was dragged by his feet and slammed against the ceiling and to the floor multiple times.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now