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NOTES: Finally on the third act of my favorite part in this book. Rejoice for the actual final chapter! Whoop whoop! \(^0^)/

I fucking cried multiple times while writing this so I hope you people enjoy. 😄😭😭

Also, gooooooooooood evening, Californians! LoganKhusit 🤣🤣🤣

Word count: 4,789


Kai/Mirai slowly opened their eyes as they began to gain consciousness. Their eyes were greeted by a dark grey sky. They tried to sit up, but they were surprised to find that they were tightly secured onto the cold metal bed they were on. Their entire body also felt like shit.

They tried to use their Overhaul Quirk to get themselves out of their predicament and heal themselves, but for some reason, they couldn't feel their arms. It took a moment for it to sink in, but once they realized why, their face turned white.

They tried to raise their head as they possibly could considering their restraints to look over below them and confirm their suspicion.

Their eyes went wide in shock as they confirmed that their arms truly were no longer part of them, cut clean off.

They continued to silently panic as it dawned on them that they might die of blood loss if they don't get treatment soon, when someone spoke.

"I wouldn't be too focused on dying of blood loss if I were you."

Their eyes went wide in surprise and they immediately looked over to the speaker standing above and before them, only for them to get a foot to their face.

They were taken aback, but there was nothing they could do to retaliate. They could only grimace.

"Which one are you? Mirai or Chisaki?" The person asked.

They looked beyond the foot stepping on their face and tried to discern who was doing this to them. They gritted their teeth once they recognized who it was, Damn you, Shigaraki.

Upon not receiving an answer right away, the person pressed down harder and he repeated his question, "Are you Chisaki or Mirai?"

The tone of Tenko's voice was calm, eerily calm. It was like there was no ounce of emotion in it. It was just cold. Cold and unfeeling.

Kai/Mirai could feel the bone in their nose was about to crack from the pressure. They could tell the person wasn't going to stop until he got an answer, and was prepared to crush his face if necessary, so in an act of desperation, they answered, "Sasaki! I'm Sasaki!"

They had answered what they thought would've been the answer to save their life, regardless if it was the truth or not. All that mattered was that his foot was no longer trying to crush them.

After getting an answer, the person removed his foot from "Sasaki's" face.

'Sasaki' glared at the person standing above him as he tried clenching his fists, only to be reminded that they were no longer part of him.

The person before him then crouched down. The person wasn't wearing his hand mask. In fact, he wasn't wearing any of his hands at that moment. 'Sasaki' had a clear look at Tomura Shigaraki's face, a liberty only a few working closest to him had.

'Sasaki' and Tomura's eyes met. Tenko's eyes had a blank and dead look in them, which took 'Sasaki' aback and made him gulp.

Tomura then placed his fingers on "Sasaki's" neck, all five of them, making 'Sasaki' panic, but before he could try and shake off the hand of the person before him, the person suddenly asked, "Do you know who I am?"

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