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NOTES: Before you guys proceed, I have a question I need answered, do you guys think I really hate Hisashi?


Kaoruko was positioned once again, behind the counter that greeted guests, a post that is often filled by her, and rarely left unmanned.

Centipeder was once again out in the field, while Sir was in his office. The only intern that reported in that day was Izuku, but he already left an hour ago. That kid has been present at the agency every day since he began. What a hardworking kid. Kaoruko thought.

She was working on the computer when a silver car pulled over in front of the agency. She looked over to see whoever arrived. But her eyes went wide and her mouth went agape when she saw who came out of the car.

The skinny blond in a yellow suit marched stormily towards the building. He looked like he was about ready to rip into someone.

As soon as the blond man entered through the doors, a flustered Kaoruko tried greeting him, "G-good afternoon, All Might! I-you're--um..."

"Where's Mirai? Is Young Izuku here?" Toshinori asked, the tone of his voice barely containing the anger he was feeling at that moment.

"Izuku? No. He already left an hour ago, he should be back at UA by now." Kaoruko answered, a little taken back by the fact that the now-former no. 1 hero was in front of her.

"Where's Sir Nighteye?" Toshinori asked almost immediately after Kaoruko answered.

"H-he's at his office right now--"

"Where's his office?" Toshinori cut her off.

"J-just along the hallway over there." Kaoruko answered, confused.

"Thank you." Toshinori thanked her before marching towards Mirai's office, leaving Kaoruko confused and dumbfounded.

Mirai, what have you been doing? Toshinori asked in his mind as he made his way to Mirai's office.

It's been six years since he last saw his former sidekick in person. Toshinori wouldn't have thought that this would be how they'd meet again, him confronting Mirai about his alleged maltreatment of Young Izuku.

He didn't want to believe that Mirai would do something that awful to a child, but considering who he is doing this to, Toshinori has no choice but to believe that it might be the case. After all, he also suspected Young Izuku at one point.

But Mirai was going too far.

As soon as he got to the door to Nighteye's office, he slammed it open and demanded, "Mirai, we need to talk!"

Mirai's eyes went wide at the sight of Toshinori. He wasn't expecting his idol and former partner to come meet him that day, "A-All Might, you're here."

Mirai immediately stood up and directed Toshinori to one of the chairs, "Please, All Might, take a seat. We haven't seen each other in a long while, have we?"

Mirai smiled at his idol. He didn't imagine he'd be seeing him again. He's just happy he was there.

But Toshinori didn't share the sentiment. Though it wasn't that obvious in his current form, he was actually frowning, mad at his former sidekick's actions, "Mirai, we need to talk about your treatment of Young Izuku."

Mirai was taken back by the sudden mention of All for One's spawn. He wasn't expecting he would be the reason for Toshinori's sudden visit-- unless, of course...

Mirai suddenly remembered a part of Izuku's future that he saw earlier that day. In the future he saw, Izuku met with Toshinori and a few other teachers later in the day. They spoke for a short while, then the squirt flashed a huge smile at them, especially at the former no. 1 hero before walking away.

I see. So that's what that was about. He must've told All Might early in the morning, in the small gap in time that I don't check. Nighteye presumed.

"Mirai, you need to stop what you're doing to Young Izuku. It's clearly distressing him." Toshinori pleaded to his former partner.

Nighteye grimaced, He was able to get into All Might's mind and manipulated him to defend him. That sneaky brat.

"What I'm doing is necessary, All Might. That kid may be our ticket to finding out where his father is hiding. All for One made a grave mistake letting his spy son stay, and I plan to exploit it." Mirai declared.

Toshinori couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Mirai, are you hearing yourself? You plan to torment a child? Young Izuku's not even All for One's son! You're tormenting an innocent child who has no idea why he was picked to go through hell under you!" Toshinori chastised his former partner in an effort to make the latter see how absurd his actions are, but Mirai only furrowed his brows at his idol's statement.

"All Might, have you gone blind?! Just look at the appearance of the boy's Quirk! Don't tell me you don't see the resemblance! Not to mention how his Quirk seemingly changed appearance and function just a few weeks ago! He obviously changed what Quirk he was using!"

"It changed because Young Izuku decided to stop trying to replicate how I fought and how my Quirk functioned, and instead began to use his Quirk how it should be." Toshinori defended the kid.

"Mirai, you two are a lot like each other. You're both my fans, you're both very skilled in strategizing in battles, and you both have the same views on how a true hero should be. If anything, I think you two should be getting along very well, can't you see that?" Toshinori asked his former partner.

"He's deceiving you, All Might!" Mirai retorted, "That brat is All for One's son, I know it! I'm just waiting for him to slip up, then we'd finally know where his father is hiding."

Toshinori furrowed his missing brows, "Why are you so determined in finding All for One?! You're even prepared to damage a child's mind!"

Mirai gritted his teeth.


Toshinori winced. That was the first time that day that Mirai referred to his idol by his real name. Mirai couldn't hold his emotions back, and tears started to flow down his face.

"With All for One still out there, it's almost a guarantee that he will be the one to kill you, now that you no longer have One for All." Mirai lamented as he continued to cry tears.

"I know that what my Foresight has seen cannot be changed..." He said as he looked down at his hands then he rolled them into fists, "But if I can at least stall your death by capturing that monster, then I want to do what I can!"

Toshinori just stared at his former sidekick with sadness in his eyes, "Mirai... I understand why you're so determined... but sacrificing a child who could be innocent? Mirai, that's crossing a line."

Mirai raised his head and looked at Toshinori. His glasses were glinting, hiding his eyes. Then he suddenly chuckled and smiled slightly.

"Even though it's been six years, nothing has really changed, huh?" Mirai remarked, "I try to do something to help you, but you refuse to accept it."

"Mirai, please, listen to me." Toshinori pleaded, but his pleas weren't heard.

Mirai let out a sigh then he coldly told his idol, "All Might, if the only reason you came here is to defend Izuku Midoriya and nothing else, then feel free to leave."


"I will continue my attempt of finding out where All for One is hiding, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Mirai declared.


THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ