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NOTES: I really feel like I was slacking off in the past few chapters. ^^''''


Izuku watched with fright as his idol howled in anguish, seemingly having given up. Izuku gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"There's no way All Might will lose, right?"

"H-he's the number one hero! It- h-he can't lose."

"But at this point... he might-"

"DON'T LOSE, ALL MIGHT!" The greenet's voice rose among the doubting crowd.

Through teary eyes, he continued, "WE ALL BELIEVE IN YOU! SO WIN! ALL MIGHT!"

"Y-yeah! All Might, you can beat him!"

"We believe in you, All Might!"

"Don't lose!"


The rest of the crowd rallied together with the boy and started yelling and encouraging All Might to win, all while the greenet continued to cry and yell. His friends (and Katsuki) followed suit as well.

"WIN, ALL MIGHT!!!" Pleaded the whole nation.



Toshinori winced as he heard a single voice in his heart and mind cheer him on. The voice's words finally snapped him out of his downward spiral.

He gritted his teeth. How dare he just forget what his master taught him?

"Don't forget to smile! No matter what trouble you're in, just smile to show that it'll all be okay!"

All Might brought back the smile to his face then the hero activated his Quirk on his right arm, annoying All for One.

"You're not giving up?" The villain was irritated.

"Heroes cannot just give up, All for One. Not while we have someone we must save. Not while we have someone to protect!" The hero proclaimed.

The villain sighed.

"How unfortunate." All for One commented as he levitated off the ground and prepared to release another blast wave towards his archnemesis.

Toshinori braced himself for the upcoming attack.

But all of a sudden, huge flames went rushing towards the villain, forcing him to use his blast wave to put them out.

"Damn it. They've arrived." All for One cursed.

"What the hell are you doing, All Might?! What's with that pitiful form?!" Endeavor expressed his frustration, but Toshinori couldn't be more happy to see him at that moment.

"I'm glad that you agree with me, no. 2 hero," The villain once again prepared another blast wave then aimed it at Endeavor. "But unfortunately, I can't have you interfering."

"I won't let you have the chance!" Edgeshot suddenly appeared from above and started sending attacks at great speed towards the villain. Together with Endeavor, the two of them worked to fight the villain.

Along with Endeavor and Edgeshot, Kamui Woods also arrived, and even with the injury he received from Tomura, he still worked to rescue the warehouse raid team, as well as the trapped civilian from under the rubble.

"All Might! We're doing what we can to help! We know you can defeat that guy!" Kamui Woods cheered for him as he brought the unconscious heroes to safety.

"Listen to the pleas of the people, All Might! They're all asking you to win! Even if you look that way, you're still their no. 1 hero!" Edgeshot asserted.

"ENOUGH!" All for One released blast waves on both his arms towards Endeavor and Edgeshot, sending them flying back.

"I've had enough of this." The villain stated with annoyance in his voice.

Toshinori watched as All for One's arm swelled and twisted, mutating to become an enlarged super arm filled with numerous hardened and deadly objects.

An image that made a certain greenet almost puke at the familiarity.

"All my attacks so far were never to end your life, only to wear you out." The villain explained.

"To kill you, I'll have to use the strongest possible attack at my disposal!"

Toshinori grimaced, remembering the villain's attack from all those years ago. Still, he braced himself.

"I hope you've said your goodbyes to your successor, All Might, because after you, I'm going to kill him next." All for One taunted him.

The villain charged at the hero, and the two titans clashed once again, creating a huge shockwave that ravaged blocks.

All for One then activated his Impact Recoil, reverting most of All Might's attack back to him and starts to push the hero back.

"You're going to die, All Might! And I'm going to emerge victorious!" All for One declared as he watched Toshinori cough out blood.

Toshinori gritted his teeth, "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!!!"

The hero sacrificed his right arm and transferred all his power to his left arm, allowing him to land a hit on All for One who left his side wide open, surprising the villain and making him grimace.

"If you thought that would be enough-"

"I'M NOT DONE YET!!!" All Might declared and brought back all his power to his right arm.

"I made a promise that I will take back everything that you ever stolen. All the smiles, all the hopes that you took away!" All Might stated, making the villain flinch and remind him of his own promise.

"You promised. Make sure to keep it." Tenko's words echoed in Hisashi's mind.


Putting all his remaining power on one final attack, Toshinori punched All for One and slammed him down into the ground, with the impact producing a massive shockwave that shook the helicopters nearby.

As they waited to learn the outcome of the battle, the whole country went quiet.

Then gasps filled the air as dust settled and they finally saw their no. 1 hero, triumphantly raising his fist to the sky as he stood victorious over the unconscious villain.

"All Might- ALL MIGHT IS VICTORIOUS! THE VILLAIN HAS BEEN DEFEATED!" The reporter almost choked in excitement as she made the announcement. And the crowd went wild. Cheers were heard all over the country!

All Might transforms into his hero form for his last time as the people's Symbol of Peace.


NOTES: I doubt I did the original justice, but I did my best.

I had to revise this chapter a couple of times just to get it right.


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