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He definitely accidentally used too many copies of Muscle Augmentation. It was supposed to be just a support Quirk. Well, it did the trick and impressed Aizawa-sensei so Izuku can't really complain.

Izuku looked at the PE shirt in his hand and sighed.

Of course, because of that excitement, he forgot about his uniform and the sleeve tore. He put the shirt in his locker and grabbed his regular uniform.

"Midoriya?" Izuku looked at the speaker. It's the Iida boy.

"Tenya? What is it?" Izuku looked at the boy with the Quirk Engine. Unexpectedly, the other boy bowed and started apologizing.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was being shallow and assumed you were a General Studies student, when in fact, you're more skilled than anyone else here."

Izuku was a little surprised but still, he was satisfied with the apology. "No, it's alright. My brother kinda teases me about how plain I look compared to him and our Dad so I guess I'm kinda used to it?" He made an excuse to not humiliate his classmate. I think he's had enough humiliation for today.

The Engine boy stood straight and forced a simple smile at his classmate's statement.

"Still, that was a very manly power!" Their spiky red-haired classmate hung his arm around Izuku, slightly surprising the green-haired boy, "What do you call it?" The red hair followed up.

"Um... Power Limb. It lets me use various levels of strength on my arms and legs." Izuku explained.

"With a Quirk like that, it's not surprising you got in through Recommendations." Their classmate with the Tape Quirk commented.

"It's not just it. My Dad had me training since my Quirk manifested. So I had a lot of practice with it. My Dad and brother had been supportive of me even though they don't like heroes that much." Izuku told them.

"They don't like heroes? Why?" Tenya asked.

"I don't think they dislike heroes, just the moral dilemma of the job." Izuku tried to explain using one sentence but he thinks it made his classmates more confused.

"Oh please!" Izuku winced at the voice. A blonde boy was stomping towards him, pushing and shoving those who were in his way.

When he was just a meter away from Izuku, he talked, "Ha! It is the brat from years ago. DEKU!"

Izuku winced at the name.

"So you still think that you're more powerful than me?!" The blonde boy's arms popped explosions as he yelled. Izuku kept flinching at each explosion but kept his stance.

"Acting all weak then showing off! The typical Deku that I met at the park. If you really think you're more powerful then WHY DON'T YOU FIGHT ME?!" The blonde boy's explosion was bigger than before.

Izuku gave and took a step back.

"Enough!" They all looked at the man who had just entered the locker room. It was Aizawa-sensei. The sight of him made Izuku relieved.

"Bakugo, I prohibit you from fighting your classmate, especially outside of class activities." The man told the blonde boy.

"Change back to your uniforms and go to your next class."


Izuku was on his way out of the gate when his phone rang. He took it out from his pocket and saw that it was his brother calling.

"Hey, Tenko. How's abroad?" Izuku talked first.

"It's a painnn." His brother answered from the other side. Putting stress on the last word. His brother's reply made him laugh. The other side laughed too.

"So how was the first day? You weren't letting them win just because they're weaker like you used to do with me, were you?" His brother asked in a slightly coarse throat. Did he lose his voice recently or something? Izuku asked in his mind.

"No." Izuku denied but then backtracked, "I mean, yeah, but it was only because I saw this kid again. Bakugo? You remember him?"

The other side was quiet.

"Tenko? You still there?" Izuku asked.

"Uh yeah... I remember him." His brother's voice was quite low, there was some grim in it.

"Izuku... don't let him get to you, okay? You're powerful enough to beat him anyday." Izuku's brother told him. He could only chuckle.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Izuku changed the topic, "You really need to get your throat checked. Your voice sounds so wrecked. And you used to have such a smooth voice!"

Tenko only laughed, "I'm taking some lozenge at your wish. Don't worry about my throat."

"Okay." Izuku smiled and then he remembered something.

"Hey... is Dad there?" Izuku asked.

"Hm? He's busy right now. He'll call you later." His brother bluntly answered. Izuku went quiet.

"You miss him, don't you?" His brother asked. Izuku hummed yes, "I just want to see and hug him again."

"Hey, don't worry, he'll be home soon. I promise. We promise." His brother reassured him.

"Okay." Izuku's voice was without mirth.

"Anyway, I got to go. I'm needed." Tenko hung up. Izuku sighed.

"Midoriya!" Izuku looked at the person who called him. He looked back and saw two familiar faces walking his way.

"Ochaco, Tenya. Hi." Izuku waved at them. When they were a few steps away, Ochaco asked him, "You want to walk home with us?"

"Ah, no, thanks. Our chauffeur should be here any second." Izuku said. Then a car stopped in front of them. "Oh, here he is."

The chauffeur from earlier that day came out of the driver's seat and went around to open the door for Izuku and noticed the two other children. "You made friends, Master Izuku?" The chauffeur asked.

"Master? You're a rich kid? Wow. Looks really can be deceiving." Ochaco commented. Izuku blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Hehe. Well, a rich man's kid." He chuckled nervously then he asked his new friends, "You guys want a ride?"

"Is it okay?" Ochaco asked.

"Of course, it is." Izuku answered.


Toshinori--in his true form--watched from afar as Izuku and his friends got in a car and drove away. He furrowed his missing brows. All for One's son is in UA. He thought.

Wait. No. No. He's letting his fear get ahead of him. The kid's Quirk is similar to the man but he has no proof. The kid doesn't look anything like the man. And his Quirk might just be a simple muscle enhancing Quirk that causes limbs to look eerily similar to the arm that--

Toshinori covered his mouth with his hand but some blood was still able to leak out. Damn that man. It's because of that man that he lost his stomach and now has a time limit on his hero time. Toshinori gritted his teeth then his face softened.

At least, the man's dead.

At any case, he should investigate that kid. See if he is All for One's kid. If he is and he's in UA, he might be acting as a spy, an infiltrator. If he is looking for a way to avenge his father, then that's something he must prevent.

Toshinori wishes he's wrong. That that kid isn't All for One's son, because if he is...

Then I took his father away from him.


NOTES: I would like to thank my friend Naoe who has been helping me and listening to me ramble on with my plans for this AU.

But you gotta admit, good for Toshi to feel remorse for possibly taking away the father of a child.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن