Message from the Author

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Did you guys like the cliffhanger? They're always so much fun, especially when I'm not the one hanging. 😂

We managed to finish this book in almost one year! From March 13, 2020 to March 20, 2021!

I had originally wanted for the final chapter to be published on the exact one year anniversary, but that didn't end up happening.

I'm so glad we're finally done. We can finally move on to the second book which can be found on my profile! Just add to library and wait for the first chapter there, which probably won't be for a while because I'm going to take a short break first.

100+ chapters in one year plus all that depressing shit is fucking tiring!

But that's all I really wanna say for now.

Thank you for reading and getting this far! Here's to one hundred more chapters! 🍾🍾🍾

(that may or may not be a joke :p)

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