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The members of the League of Villains watched in frustration as the students were able to get away, thanks to the help of a mysterious force. But Tomura was still confused as to why Izuku would rescue that boy.

His attention was then caught after Magne, Spinner, and Twice were instantly knocked out by a speed demon, infuriating Tomura.

"Toshinori! You better scold your students after this! They recklessly put themselves in danger!" Gran Torino yelled at All Might, but the no. 1 hero could only smile.

All Might's blue eyes glared at his archnemesis, "I'll have to thank them first. Because now, I don't have to hold back."

All Might gave a smug smile, but All for One simply scoffed.

"Tomura, it's time for you to leave as well." The villain's voice was stern. Tomura simply sighed as he watched his father forcibly activate Magne's Quirk. Swiftly getting his unconscious league members to move towards Himiko and into the portal.

Tomura looked back at his father and spoke to him via the latter's telepathy, "You promised. Make sure to keep it." Then he himself headed into the portal as well.

"You're not getting away that easily!" Gran Torino yelled as he charged towards the villain, but before he could even get within six meters of the young man, an invisible force suddenly hit him and buried the old man's face into the ground.

After Tomura went through the portal, the unconscious Kurogiri followed suit, causing the gate to close almost immediately.

"Now, we both don't need to hold back." All for One stated.


Shinsou flinched. His eyes were wide and he has no idea what to do while the person in front of him continued to cry and apologize.

"I'm sorry, Shinsou! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone! I shouldn't have left! I'm sorry I couldn't get to you! I'm sorry!" The greenet cried uncontrollably.

"I-it's okay. Please, Izuku. Calm down. I'm fine now. I'm safe now. You saved me. So please, calm down." The purplet pleaded and tried to comfort his friend.

Katsuki and Tenya looked at the two of them with smiles on their faces. Izuku's finally back to normal. They thought.

Tenya's phone started vibrating, notifying him of a call, it was Momo.

"Tenya! Oh thank goodness, you answered. Where are the four of you?" Momo asked.

Tenya looked around and answered, "We landed near the train station. Are the two of you okay?"

"Yes, Shouto and I are currently among the evacuating civilians." Momo assured him, then Shouto asked, "What about Izuku? Is he okay?"

Tenya smiled while looking at the greenet and purplet, "Yes, he's fine. He and Shinsou are talking to each other."

"We are here with you live at the Kamino Ward at Yokohama City, where All Might is facing off against a villain that has already brought down four Pro Heroes." The broadcast captured the attention of the students.

The camera zoomed in on the villain's face, now exposed to world after All Might was able to destroy his mask. Most of his face, his whole head, and the back of his neck were completely covered in scar tissue.

"Six years, All Might. You took six years away from me. And I will never forgive you for that. I'm going to give you the most horrible and shameful death possible." The villain announced.

People all over the country watched the villain send another blast wave attack towards All Might. Everyone had hoped that he move away and evade the attack, however, he didn't.

He took on that full attack to save a stucked civilian in the rubble.

As the dust started to settle, the whole country was horrified to see that the no. 1 hero had shrunk into a frail, emaciated man-the hero's true form.


Blood spout from the no. 1 hero's mouth. No matter how exhausted he was, Toshinori could only draw shallow breaths, due to his previous injury.

All for One laughed at the no. 1 hero's appearance, "Yes, Symbol of Peace, show the whole world your pitiful form! Show them how pathetic you are!"

The villain continued to mockingly laugh.

"Toshinori!" The old hero called out.

"I'm fine, sensei!" Toshinori assured him.

"Even if this form is exposed to the world... even if my body continues to deteriorate... my spirit will always remain strong! AND THAT'S ALL THAT I WILL NEED TO DEFEAT YOU!" The hero proclaimed.

All for One let out a disappointed sigh, before flashing the hero a smile.

"Tell me, All Might," The villain started communicating with the hero telepathically, catching Toshinori off-guard.

"Haven't you ever wondered who my sons' mother is?" The villain asked, painting confusion into All Might's face.

"That's... why are you bringing it up now?" Toshinori asked. His question immediately informed Gran Torino of what's happening.

"Toshinori, don't listen to him!" The veteran hero warned him.

"Haven't you ever wondered about their maternal lineage?" The villain continued, annoying the no. 1 hero.

"What on earth are you talking about?!" Toshinori was agitated.

"Don't listen to him, Toshinori!" Gran Torino continued to warn his student.

"Their grandmother, Toshinori! Their grandmother is no one other than Nana Shimura!" The villain finally revealed to Toshinori.

"Your master! The previous owner of One for All herself!" The villain announced.

Toshinori's hands started shaking as dread dawned on his face. T-that's not true... He thought.

But the villain read his mind and reassured him, "Oh, it's true, All Might."

Toshinori gritted his teeth in denial. Then he howled in agony, as he knows that it must be true.

All for One started laughing at the hero's pitiful state, and sarcastically asked, "Well, All Might? Where's your smile now? Hahaha!"


NOTES: Hisashi slipped at a few parts.

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