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NOTES: Someone commented "Anybody see what's happening?" in the last chapter, but then they suddenly deleted it. Whoever you are, bring that comment back. (๏_๏)


After the exam has ended, the examinees were ordered to stay at the waiting room while their finals scores and ranks were being tabulated.

Gang Orca's sidekicks immediately came to his aid after the whole ordeal and assisted him as they brought him to the waiting room, where medics were currently patching him up.

As the Pro Hero was having doctors and nurses check up on him, he saw a certain greenet trying to get past the other examinees to get to him.

Once the greenet was in front of him, he began to bow repeatedly and apologize profusely, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Gang Orca! I didn't mean to make the attack that strong! I didn't know it would become that strong! I just wanted it to reach in time! I'm sorry!"

Kugo smiled, happy to see the boy after months, and a little proud to see that he'd grown, even though he would have preferred if they fought together instead.

"It's alright, Izuku. I'm actually impressed with your super move. If it wasn't for the restraints I was wearing, you might've actually sent me back to the hospital bed." Gang Orca said with good intentions, but Izuku misinterpreted it and resumed with his apologies, until Gang Orca asked him to stop.

"But I'm proud of what you did earlier." Kugo told the greenet, catching the latter off guard.

"You managed to stop your classmate and the Shiketsu student's bickering, and actually got them to cooperate with each other." Kugo smiled, even though it made him slightly scarier.

Izuku, who had already recognized Gang Orca's smile, smiled back.

Suddenly, two people hung their arms around the greenet, slightly surprising him. He looked to his sides to find Hanta on his right, and Denki on his left.

"But that move back there," Hanta casually brought the topic up, "That was nothing like the super move you showed us during training."

"Yeah, Izuku, why did you hide a move like that on us? Did you plan on showing off~?" Denki asked in a jokingly accusing tone.

"What?! N-no!" Izuku became defensive and began explaining, "That was the first time I've tried it on that scale! I've only done that move with my finger before earlier. I had no idea it would become that strong, I only wanted it to get faster. I had completely underestimated that move!"

"Is that so~?" Denki said in a comically suspicious tone, making the greenet a little uncomfortable.

But then he asked normally, "But your super move's name. That was the first time you said it, right? What was it? Ahara... Abara... Araba-"


Hanta and Denki jumped when Hisashi suddenly spoke behind them.

"It's the name of a supposed Japanese god of destruction. I say 'supposed' only because there isn't a lot of information about Arahabaki, only bits and pieces, but in most of them, he is regarded as a god of destruction and calamity." Hisashi explained as Izuku carried Eri.

"A fitting name for a move with that power, wouldn't you say?" He asked referring to Izuku's classmates. Hanta and Denki could only nod in nervousness.

"Dad actually picked the name." Izuku added while rubbing the back of his head.

That somehow makes sense. Denki and Hanta thought.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now