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NOTES: Surprise new chapter! I am in a very good writing mood today so I thought of giving you guys a treat! And also as an apology for not updating as much in the past few weeks. 😅


After feeling that one big tremor, a few concerned citizens of Hosu started calling up the authorities, asking what the hell was going on. The emergency hotline was receiving so many calls, a number voicing their concern about how the following tremors seemed to be right under the building they live in.

4.40 PM

Civilians and authorities alike were all shocked when villains came out from a building, bringing it down in the process. As the dust settled and the villains were slowly revealed, bystanders immediately started recognizing who they were.

"H-hey, aren't those things--"

"Nomu! And Tomura Shigaraki from the news!"

"Is that Stain?! Stain is with the League of Villains?!"

"Tch." Tomura expressed his annoyance as he looked around. "He got away."

"News of the League of Villains appearing have certainly arrived at hero agencies by now and we have no way to contact Kurogiri at the moment." Tomura stated as he watched the civilians start to scramble.

"Let's meet at the rendezvous point, but for now, we have to split up." Tomura told Stain.

"Nomus, only attack when necessary, now go." The three Nomus ran off. Even though Tomura ordered them not to attack when unnecessary, he never gave the orders to not cause any sort of damage to public and private properties (so there's that).

Stain ran off as well, jumping around in the alleys between the buildings. While Tomura walked back to the brought down building and made a path back in.


Come on, Shouto, we're going to Hosu." Enji simply stated as he started walking towards the door.

"Hosu? But that city isn't in your jurisdiction, why would you go there?" Shouto asked.

Shouto decided to intern at his father's agency. It was the least he could do after the stunt he pulled on Izuku. This is his punishment. Having to work along with this man.

"The Hero Killer and the League of Villains have been sighted stirring up chaos there. Ingenium's agency had sent a request for help." Enji answered.

Shouto sighed, "Fine."


Immediately after he got the news, Tensei, along with Team Idaten, sprinted into action to help evacuate the civilians as well as help those who had been hurt (mostly due to their own actions, tbh).

But... was bringing Tenya along a good idea? Even as he was helping civilians, Tensei couldn't stop but think about it.

He was prepared to bring Tenya along and expose him to what it's really like being a hero, but with a villain attack at this scale happening right now... it doesn't seem like a good idea bringing his little brother along anymore.

Dammit, he shouldn't be so distracted! As long as Tenya sticks by his side, then it should be fine.

"The Hero Killer! He's getting away!" Tensei's eyes widened at the mention of Stain. He immediately looked at the person who saw Stain.

The person who was now some distance away from him. The person who was supposed to stick by his side, but now was chasing after a dangerous serial killer.


Immediately, Tensei ran after his brother. Dammit!

(a/n: i'm seeing a pattern with these lil bros)


past 5 PM

"Please head to safety, okay?" Izuku told a couple after helping them get out of their car.

"Thank you, little boy." They said as they both supported each other and went the other way.

Izuku placed his attention to Gang Orca and Nomu's battle. It looked exactly like the Nomu during the USJ Incident, it was black but had no bird features. Other than a fast regenerating and a super strength Quirk, this Nomu seems to have acid blood.

Gang Orca is having trouble defeating it.

If only there were more water--

Activate: Water Cycle. Using this Quirk, Izuku is able to control the water and its properties in an area, may it be in a solid, liquid, or vapor form. But for this to work effectively, he needs to have a great understanding of the water cycle (complicated aquakinesis, if you will).

(a/n: this Quirk will become relevant in the future)

In order to hide what he's doing, Izuku first turns the water he can reach into vapor and then manipulate the vapor to float onto Gang Orca, where he turns them back to liquid (simplified explanation).

Kujo seemed to have realized that someone was sending water to him but he doesn't know who. But if they're doing this, then they're probably an ally.

A being created to kill All Might, huh? Is there even a being capable of holding a candle to that man?


NOTES: Fun Fact! The reason the Black Nomu had acid blood was to combat Setsuno, Hojo, and Tabe! There was supposed to be a fight scene between the League of Villains and the Eight Bullets but I scrapped it because I can't write fight scenes. 😅 These were supposed to be the lineup:

• Tomura vs Chisaki
• Stain vs Nemoto, Deidoro, Rikiya
• Kurogiri vs Chronostasis, Mimic
• White Nomu (with Permeation) vs Tengai, Rappa
• Black Nomu (with Acid Blood) vs Setsuno, Hojo, Tabe

And the winged Nomu is backup.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon