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The four students could do nothing but hide behind the trees. Dabi was a bad match for the four of them. Shouto's ice would melt even before it could get near him, Dark Shadow was weak to the light the flames emitted, and Izuku and Mezo wouldn't last 10 seconds in such extreme temperatures. It didn't help that there were two of them.

"What? Is this it? I thought you were going to go to your friend?" One of the Dabis taunted them.

Izuku grimaced. He's taking too much of our time. Even if we beat him, I'm not sure we'll be able to get to their rendezvous point in time. I have no choice.


Izuku looked over to his classmates and made sure none of them will see, then he activated his Bird's Eye View Quirk.

Find their rendezvous point. Where are they all heading to...?

Without wasting any second, Izuku activated speed Quirks on him and rushed through the door. He heard his classmates calling for him but he couldn't be stopped. He also zoomed past Vlad King who was guarding the lodge.

It took him half a minute but he finally arrived. There he saw that the Pro Heroes have already subdued two of the villains, but the rest of the villains were already arriving.

"Izuku, what are you doing here?!" Aizawa was frustrated that the greenette disobeyed orders.

"Oi, are you sure you have the targets?" Izuku heard one of the arriving villains ask another villain through a super-hearing Quirk.

"Why, of course! The targets are right here!" The masked villain wearing a top hat said in a loud voice, almost announcing the fact, while showcasing the marbles in his hands to the sky.

This statement immediately caught the attention of the greenette, whose eyes were wide with anger, "GIVE MY FRIEND BACK!!!"

The masked villain was intrigued by such reaction and so decided to entertain the greenette, "Then why don't you try—"

The masked villain's eyes went wide when the greenette suddenly appeared right in front of him and delivered a super knee kick to the gut, making him fly a few meters away and spit out the marbles in his mouth as well as some blood.

Izuku laid his eyes on the marbles but had to back away after feeling something hot head his way.

"Calm down, kid. I don't want to disobey Tomura's strict orders and end up hurting you." The villain Izuku recognizes as Dabi told him.

Izuku simply glared at him with mad eyes, that seemed familiar to Dabi somehow.


The Izuku clone took deep sharp breaths as he watched the Dabi doubles inside Shouto's ice start to turn into mud like the first one did.

My real body is already at their rendezvous point. I can't let anyone see two of me. Izuku thought.

"I'll go on ahead." He told his friend and classmates before running away. Once he was able to put enough distance between them, he deactivated his Doppelganger Quirk.


At the rendezvous point, Kurogiri finally arrived and extracted the two subdued villains. Two more villains then arrived, the masked villain that Izuku's clone faced earlier and a female villain, whose attention was caught by Izuku, whose bandages were tinted red by blood.

(a/n: no, that part's not going away)

These two villains were extracted next.

Izuku wasn't bothered by them, though. At that moment, he was laser-focused on getting his friend back.

Izuku activated Power Limb on his legs and tried to get to the marbles first but before he could grab them, he was hit by a flying tree courtesy of Mr. Compress.

"Damn, that hurt." He said while putting his hand over the spot Izuku hit earlier.

Dabi tried picking up the marbles, but he heard crackling noises heading his way and immediately backed away. He watched as an ice wall sent the marbles flying. He looked to the direction of the ice's origins and saw a bichromatic teenager. He frowned.

Three more pests arrived.

Dabi turned his attention back to the marbles.

Shouto saw his greenette friend and was shocked to see that he was able to get such serious injuries in such a short time, but he doesn't have enough time to question it. He turned his attention on the marbles that he assumes is the work of a Quirk.

Dabi, Izuku, Shouto, and Mr. Compress were all locked to grabbing the marbles, but Mr. Compress was suddenly pulled away by Dark Shadow and prevented to come near the target.

In sync, the three players moved. Izuku headed for one of the marbles and Shouto, the other. The two students were about to reach their targets when Dabi tried to send the two students back using his flames.

It worked on Shouto, but Izuku was persistent and still reached for one of the marbles, forcing Dabi to weaken his flames.

Izuku landed with a roll. But his eyes widened in joy after realizing he actually got the marble. "Shinsou! Shinsou!" He happily started calling out to his friend.

But his face went pale and his eyes were filled with horror as the blue marble turned back to who it was, not someone who has dark purple hair, but someone with sandy blonde hair.


Izuku turned his head to where the voice came from. His eyes went wide as he saw his purple-haired friend being engulfed by black mist.

He immediately got on his feet and started running towards his friend, reaching out his hand. He tried to activate his Quirks one more time but his body was already too tired.

From the corner of his eyes, he started seeing black figures with glowing white eyes but he couldn't afford to give time to them right now. But he did notice that their lips were all upturned, unlike before.

Izuku leapt as a last ditch effort to reach his friend and he pleaded, "Please, let me reach him."

But the black mist completely engulfed his friend and then disappeared, leaving the greenette to crash onto the ground.

It was only then that he could hear them clearly now. Those ghosts were there again, but they weren't angry or in anguish like before. This time... they were laughing.


"You're not getting him back."

Izuku gritted his teeth. In utter defeat, he cries in anguish over the loss of his friend.

Aizawa, the Pussycats, and the students could only despair as they realize what loss this was for the heroes.


NOTES: Notes. They help you in the darkest of times... and when you forget what's supposed to be happening.

On another note, is it normal for your hands to start shaking hours after drinking coffee?

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now