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After parting ways with Ms. Joke, Shota started heading back to his students. He let out a sigh knowing that she'll undoubtedly go looking for him again later so she could continue to bother him.

He looked over to his students' location and the presence of an unfamiliar white haired man among them immediately caught his attention.

As he walked to his students, he noticed that the man was speaking exclusively to Izuku, and that there was a little girl with short white hair clinging to the greenet.

The man noticed Shota and looked over to his direction. Shota was caught off guard when the man sent cold glares over to him. Still, he continued foward.

"What's going on here?" He asked his students.

"Aizawa-sensei, this is my Dad. Dad, Eraser Head." Izuku introduced them to each other. Shota looked over to the man, who was still giving him a cold glare. Shota furrowed his brows.

Shota then flinched, when within a swift moment, the man's cold glare changed to a seemingly warm smile. It seemed fake to Shota. The shift was way too sudden.

Izuku's father reached his hand out for a shake and introduced himself, "Hisashi Midoriya. I've heard a lot about you from my eldest."

Shota accepted the handshake and attempted to be casual, "All good I hope."

The man's smile became wider and he let out a very ominous aura, sending shivers up Shota's spine.

"On the contrary, you aggravate him. I only know two other people who have succeeded in doing so."

"Hm. Glad to have the honor." Shota tried to keep his composure.

The two of them retrieved their hands.

Shota furrowed his brows and glared at the man. So this is the father of Izuku and Tomura.

Without warning, Izuku's father brought back his cold stare from before, slightly fazing Shota.

And... he froze. It felt as if Shota just had multiple targets painted on him, and he was going to get hit at any moment. Shota gulped.

"I see, so that's where your eldest got his death glare from." Shota tried to hide the fear he felt, but this only amused Hisashi and made him smirk.

The students nearby could feel the tension between the two adults, and especially Hisashi's intimidating aura. It made them tense and nervous. Like at any moment, a huge blast could go off and wipe them out.


Before things escalated even further, Izuku acted and started to push his father in an almost comical manner to alleviate the tension, "I think that's enough introductions. We need to get inside now, Dad. I'll see you later, okay?"

Hisashi looked down to his son who was still trying to push him, albeit without any effect. He sighed then said in a much lighter tone, "I understand."

Izuku felt relief after hearing that and stood straight.

"Do your best, okay? Eri and I will be watching." Hisashi smiled at his son then he messed his hair.

"Come on, Eri. Let's go find our seats." Hisashi told the little girl as he raised her up to carry her.

"See you later, Izuku-nii! Don't hurt yourself, okay?" Eri said as she and Hisashi walked away.

Izuku smiled and waved bye to them. Once they were a little farther, he let out sigh in relief.

But he was caught off guard when someone suddenly grabbed his left and right arms and squeezed them. He looked over to his sides to find Ochaco and Tenya drawing deep breaths with scared looks on their faces.

He looked around and found the rest of his classmates in similar states. Even Aizawa-sensei was eerily quiet.

"A-are you guys okay?" Izuku asked them.

"Izuku, your Dad is scary." Ochaco said from beside him as she squeezed his bandaged arm more.

"Y-yeah... h-he has that effect on people. I'm sorry." Izuku said in a low voice. He could only apologize.

Shota finally snapped out of it and was able to calm himself down enough. He then looked over to his students and told them, "Pull yourselves together, you still have a license exam to pass. Now go change to your hero costumes."


Inside a huge hall in the Takoba National Stadium, students of various hero schools from all over Japan assembled to hear the mechanics of this year's license exam. But to their shock, they heard the following.

"Only 100 of you will be taking the actual Provisional License Exam. The remaining 1440 students will be eliminated in this first exam."

This first exam's mechanics seemed simple enough. Each participant will be given three targets to stuck anywhere on their body, as long as they're visible, as well as six balls to hit targets with.

The requirement to qualify for the license exam is to knock two students out of the race. The point will go to whoever hits the last target.

The targets and balls were being distributed as the hall's ceiling started to recede to the ground, revealing the various terrains surrounding the students.

Meanwhile, over at the bleachers, Hisashi, Eri, and Adohira had just taken their seats, just a few dozen rows away from Eraser Head and Ms. Joke.

Hisashi leaned back on his seat with a content smile on his face. In the corner of his eyes, he saw that Eraser Head had finally noticed them but he didn't pay him any mind.

"Hey, Shota. Helloooo?" Ms. Joke snapped her fingers and waved her hands in front of Shota's face to try and catch his attention.

"Hey, Shota, talk to me." She told him, but he wouldn't. She then looked over to where he was looking, "Who're they? Why are you looking so intently at their direction?"

Shota sighed in annoyance, and decided to answer her, "They're the family of one of my students. The white haired man is the father of a problem child."

"Ohh... so they're here to watch. Okay." Ms. Joke said.

Shota couldn't help but grimace as he remembered what had transpired just a while ago. He gritted his teeth.

"But still, Shota," Ms. Joke said in a more serious tone, snapping Shota out of his thoughts, "You really are cold. Not even telling your students of what's to come. They seemed so nervous earlier when I saw them get off their bus. Are you sure they're going to be okay?"

Shota furrowed his brows, "They better be. If they can't even get past a little ambush, then how can they expect to pass the license exam?"

Ms. Joke hummed.


The eliminating exam has finally began. While a few of their classmates decided to separate from them, a number of Class A's students had chosen to stick together, but now, they were in trouble.

Dozens of participants from other schools had teamed up and surrounded them, intending to knock them out of the exam.

The Crushing of UA.

However, even though they were in a bad spot, even though they should be even just a little worried of their current predicament, the students of UA remained calm.

Their breathing was normal, and their hearts weren't pounding as much as they should be in a high stress situation. They were calm and their minds were collected.

After going through what they just did with Izuku's father, it felt as if nothing their competition can offer could faze them, not after they felt such a deadly aura.


NOTES: Huh. So that intimidation part wasn't for nothing after all. All for One, everybody. Helping hero students get their provisional hero licenses for the hell of it.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now