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NOTES: We have arrived at 100 chapters, everybody! (≧∇≦) Congratulations to all that made it this far!

And now to ruin the mood.


Izuku got off the black car alone, with his hero costume case in hand. He felt a sense of dread slowly creep up on him as he looked up at the building in front of him.

Izuku gulped.

"Good luck, Master Izuku." He heard Adohira wish him, but Izuku didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he just headed straight into the building.

"Good morning, Izuku! Ready for your second day?" Bubble Girl greeted him from behind the counter. Izuku would've greeted back but his attention was on the suited person with a mutant centipede Quirk standing in front of the counter.

Bubble Girl seemed to have noticed this and immediately introduced the other person, "Oh, this is Centipeder. He was out investigating the past few days so this is your first time meeting each other. He was Sir's first sidekick before I came here."

"You must be one of the new interns," The suited person said in an unexpectedly high pitched voice, "My name is Juzo Moashi, but refer to me as Centipeder while at work."

Centipeder reached out his hand for shake. Izuku forced a small smile and shook the former's hand.

"Please take care of me." ("Yoroshiku.")

After that little introduction to Centipeder, Izuku headed to the locker room to change to his hero costume. The lingering sense of dread and worry he felt grew more and more as it became closer to seeing that man again.

He had to force his tears back during his whole time at the locker room. He's all alone this time. Katsuki wasn't there, nor was Mirio-senpai. It would just be him and Sir Nighteye.

Izuku winced at the thought. He doesn't want to be there. He doesn't want to stay there.

But he must.

After slipping his gloves on, his hero costume is complete. He took one deep breath to psych himself, then it was time to head to Mirai's office.


"I'm impressed, Midoriya. I was really expecting you to run away." Mirai told Izuku with a condescending tone as he sat at his seat behind his desk. Eye level-wise, they were equal because Mirai was sitting down, and yet, the older greenet was obviously looking down at other.

"If I did that, then I'd lose the bet, won't I?" Izuku tried to feign strength in his voice.

"I suppose so." Mirai stated as he got off his chair and started walking towards the boy. Izuku tried to remain unmoved as the older person walked towards his back.

"But that would've made everything much easier, wouldn't it, All of One?" Mirai asked as he placed his hand on the greenet's head. Izuku winced and his eyes went wide at the mention of that name.

"I-I threw that name away. It's not my hero name anymore." Izuku retorted.

"Of course, it no longer is." Nighteye replied, "After your father revealed himself to the public and became a household name, you can no longer just parade around as 'All of One'." Mirai uttered as he made his way back to his desk.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU)Where stories live. Discover now