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Inasa's eyes went wide after hearing the greenet's words, and he was immediately hit by the realization that this whole time, he had let his hatred cloud his judgment.

This isn't how a hero should act. He gritted his teeth.

"TODOROKI, YOU HEARD THAT?!" Inasa's grin returned. Shouto looked up at the wind guy.

"LITTLE GUY WANTS US TO WORK TOGETHER! YOU UP FOR IT?!" Inasa asked the bichromatic.

"Yeah." Shouto answered with a smile. Did Izuku do that thing again? He thought. Shouto prepared his fire once more.

"TODOROKI, WATCH OUT!" Inasa warned him. Shouto's eyes widened when he was suddenly overshadowed from behind.

"I'm glad to hear that you two have decided to finally team up." The person behind Shouto stated, then he slammed the bichromatic to the ground.

"But that also means that it's time for me to take this more seriously."

Shouto turned his head up slightly to find blood red eyes staring back at him. Then Gang Orca released a hypersonic wave to the bichromatic at point blank.

"TODOROKI!" Inasa sent a wind attack towards Gang Orca, but before it could reach the Pro Hero, Inasa was suddenly hit by cement, making him lose his concentration.

Before he could recover, he was suddenly hit by a hypersonic wave, courtesy of Gang Orca, rendering him paralyzed and unable to keep himself in the sky.

Gang Orca looked down at the two teenagers, unimpressed, before he began to head towards the makeshift shelter.

Inasa and Shouto gritted their teeth. They're letting their opponent get away-



Izuku landed at the makeshift shelter and laid the partially paralyzed Ketsubutsu examinee on the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thanks for the save."

Izuku smiled at him, before his attention was swiftly captured by the sudden appearance of a firenado a kilometer away from them. He immediately recognized it as a product of his two friends' cooperation.

He activated his Bird's Eye View Quirk to watch the fight from afar.

He was glad that they were finally working together, but that joy was promptly replaced with worry when the firenado was then put out by Gang Orca's hypersonic wave.

With his eye Quirk, Izuku watched as more goons arrive at the area, and while the other examinees were preventing them from helping Gang Orca, they were also too preoccupied to help the paralyzed Shouto and Inasa.

Izuku's eyes widen as he watched Gang Orca walk towards his paralyzed friends, whose attempts to fight back while on the ground was proven to be futile by Gang Orca's hypersonic waves.

Izuku activated his Quirks and prepared to jump over to join the battle, but exactly as he was about to make the jump, he was suddenly hit with cement by a goon, making him screw up his trajectory, and head upwards instead.

The goon was swiftly taken care of by Ochaco, but now, Izuku won't get to his friends in time. He has no other choice.

Izuku maneuvered his body in the air and started to prepare his super move.

Air began to get sucked towards Izuku's leg, and he began to add more weight into the attack using his Gravity Manipulation.

Izuku began to panic as he saw Gang Orca get nearer Inasa. Dammit, I'm too far! Will my attack even make it in time?!

The greenet gritted his teeth. I have no choice. Activate: Kinetic Booster!

Black lightning with a green glow appeared around the greenet's leg.

It won't be enough! Times two!

The black lightning became larger and started to act more erratic, capturing the attention of the examinees, victims, and goons nearby.

Hisashi couldn't stop a grin from forming.

Izuku took a deep breath, before he released his super move, "Reach them! ARAHABAKI!"

As Izuku kicked, the black lightning disappeared, and nothing seemed to happen. But just a second later, it appeared, a swirling force of destruction. Even from meters in the air, it was able to disrupt the dirt on the ground below. And it headed towards Gang Orca in incredible speeds!

Kugo's eyes widened at the sight of the greenet's attack heading towards him. He couldn't evade in time, he could only block the attack with his arms and brace himself.

The attack was powerful enough to push Gang Orca back and start to break the restraints he had on his arms. At this point, he might end up walking out of there with serious injuries if he didn't do anything to stop the attack.

Kugo gritted his teeth, and he began sending hypersonic waves one after another to weaken the attack's power.

All mouths were left agape at the sight of a Pro Hero being pushed back by the attack of a first year.

Gang Orca had almost reached the walls of the arena before the attack had finally died down. The restraints on his arms fell to the ground with loud thuds, and he was left gasping for breath.

To think that boy could send out an attack like that... Kugo thought before another announcement was made.

"Attention, all victims have been rescued. The threat has been subdued. The test has come to an end."


NOTES: This chapter was fun.

Super move name explanation next chapter.

I told you I'm turning Izuku into a green Chuuya. 😂

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