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I wish I could go back to the past two months, maybe the point of it would be to warn the little naive girl in me to not trust Marcus. I could blame him all I wanted but deep down,I knew it was my mistake. My poor and faulty judgment was the reason why ten people had been killed tonight only,in less than three hours.

I couldn't help but feel so much aggravated that I longed nothing more than to kill both these two men myself. I did not want blood on my hands but the news updates were starting to make me dizzy and Marcus' presence was not helping.

Whenever I saw those bodies,I remembered them and the blood had become too pungent,it made me feel like puking. Everything that was happening was really sickening and the worst part was that no matter how angry I got,I would never go back to Victor. He was trying by all means to irritate me,I wouldn't lose my focus though. In order to beat him,I needed to think smarter than him.

"Are you gonna tell us the real reason why you're here or not?" Liam finally got fed up with nothing but the gibberish falling out of his father's lips. Gosh,it was twenty minutes after midnight, he had to go.

"Gibberish? You wanna know what gibberish is? Finding out your son,your only son is prepared to ruin everything you've spent hundreds of years building for him for this idiotic, clumsy human girl," Marcus scrutinized me like I was some piece of trash but it was of no consequence on my confidence.

"You call her anything but she's not idiotic and you know that," Liam said to his father.

"Oh,she's not? If she wasn't idiotic, she would've brought me Victor's head. She wouldn't have let him get away."

It was taking everything in me not to respond to all his remarks. I would never grant him that satisfaction he was seeking.

"Oh,cut the crap,dad. You never wanted Victor dead. You just wanted to sell Jessica to him."

"That sounds ridiculous! Why would I do that?"

"Well,your motives are questionable but I know for a fact that you would be much pleased if she had come back in a body bag or if unlucky,turned into a bloodsucking creature."

"The way your brain works makes me doubtful that you are my son. I am not perfect, Liam. I do the most ruthless things,you'd swear I had no heart but I would never give Jessica up to Victor,knowing that she might get killed.As clumsy as she is,she still possesses something exceptional" He shook his head as he eyed me again.

"I know you don't believe me but Victor and I have no business together. I just need Jessica's invisibility to win this war." It didn't sit well with me that he only saw the power in me when it benefited him.

"You expect me to believe any of that? I'm never trusting you again and oh,you'd be pleased to know that Victor has a whole army of newborns coming at you." I pushed back the chair and left the room.

I could still hear them since this house was very small

"The way I see Nano in her just makes me freaking mad,"I heard Marcus say.

"Nano?"I could hear the confusion in Liam's voice.

"You know what? Never mind. The reason why I'm here is because tomorrow is the blood moon,"

"You came all the way here to tell me about the blood moon? One that turns you into a vicious killer?" Liam exclaimed.

"Vampires are not immune to the blood moon,son,you know that.With Adobe already wild,I am afraid it's going to be worse tomorrow."

It fell dead silent for a little while

"Well,what do you think we should do?" He asked with newfound determination.

"We kill them all before tomorrow midnight." Marcus said with determination.

"You're kidding, right? You heard what Jess said,he has an army of newborns,we need more time or we're going to get killed." Liam reasoned.

"Oh,my pack is forever ready and don't be absurd,son. You have the Andersen blood running through your veins,you are the great nephew of Antonius Andersen,you need no practice!"Marcus pushed his chair back with a light screech.

"Oh,tell Jessica to prepare herself. She'll play quite a significant role tomorrow,"I heard Marcus say before shutting the door.


"For someone who's a medical doctor,you can be pretty dumb sometimes, you know?"

Oh,tell me about it, I thought as I stared out the window.

"And why the hell did you not want Zach to take you home? What if you ran into the Andersens?"

Seriously! If Marcus wanted to kill me,he would've done that a long time ago,I was his neighbor for fucks sake.

"Where's your little girlfriend?" She asked after a few minutes of peace.

"What girlfriend?"

"I'm talking about America, Daniel."

It was typical that Victor hadn't told her. He never trusted her like he did Rosinah.

"Oh,she's not my girlfriend and she's gone,"

"Gone where?"

"Gina,just know that she's gone and she's not coming back,okay?" I said to her.

"Wow,that was fast," she smiled.

"Don't be too hopeful, it doesn't change a thing between us."


"You know why or do you want me to spell it out just so we're clear?"

"No,"with that,she focused on the road.

"Oh look at the time,it's a quarter after one. Happy birthday, Daniel."


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