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"I said what the fuck is going on here?"

Christy snapped when none of us seemed to intend to answer her question.

As I continued staring into Ian's eyes, I realized I had misjudged him. They were dark and glowing with evil,like a snake's. Deadly.

"America and I were just getting to know each other."

He said smoothly. He was a great actor. He should probably include that in his CV. It was clear lying to Victor wouldn't be as hard for him as I had feared.

"You were threatening her,Ian. Do you seriously think she's here to take your job?"

I was certain the innocent look had returned when he finally turned to face Christy.

"I'm sorry Miss Christy."

Ian said to Christy who did no more than stare at him with suspicious eyes as he disappeared downstairs.

"I'm so sorry about that,are you okay?"

She asked with a concerned look. If she truly knew why Ian had been threatening me,she wouldn't even bother.

"Yeah,I'm okay."

I said rubbing my forehead.

"Oh my God, did he touch you?"

It was quite funny how she'd quickly jumped to that conclusion.

"No!no,I'm just a little-"

I wanted to finish that but decided I probably should not. I would be given more pills.

"Never mind."

I brushed her off.

"How's your arm by the way?"

"Oh,it's really much better, Ian gave me some meds."

"Good,come on."

She took my hand and we went down the spiral staircase in silence.

My feet felt plush against the brown carpet and I was still in awe of the decor as we passed the TV room.

"You have a very beautiful house,Christy."

"Oh, at least someone thinks that. Daniel and Lord Victor don't like it. Thanks honey."

I returned her smile.

"Close your eyes."


"Just do it."

She said.

Perhaps noticing my confusion,she covered my eyes with her cold small hands.

"What's going on?"

I asked half laughing and she did no more than shush me.

We walked a few more steps until she removed her hands from my face and told me to open my eyes.

I gasped and put a hand over my chest in surprise.

A feast.

That's the first word that came into my mind as soon as I saw the huge dinning table packed with delicacies.

"It's all for you,Mer."

When I lifted my eyes from the table to meet hers, I found her smiling in both amusement and pleasure.

"Oh Christy, did you do this?"

There was no way she could've pulled this off. It had Ian's name written all over.

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