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It wasn't very hard to convince Christy to give me some vampire history books. She decided to join me and even volunteered to share some things that weren't written in the books,giving the TV and her closet a chance to breathe.

She told me that vampires were generally cool with garlic,so there went one of the easiest ways I could've used to kill Victor.

She even told me that werewolves weren't immortal as many people had been made to believe. They just lived longer than humans,the oldest of them died at eight hundred years. She didn't remember his name but she was proud to tell me the mighty Victor was the one who'd killed him.

It felt like I was studying for my finals but it was all worth it because by Wednesday, I already knew about a vampire Lord, Vinton. The books described him as some mighty and compassionate Lord. I wasn't a vampire, I was revenge thirsty therefore, I couldn't be blinded to his cruelty.

All vampires lived in Adobe, under his rule. There were also a few humans who served as both his servants and dinner. They all worshipped him and those who denied him were punished severely, they were whipped,boiled and even nailed. Humans usually died as a result of this but vampires only were weakened. Seeing their fellows at such vulnerable states,they feared to defy him.

One day,he made a mistake of boiling a woman who was found on his land, stealing. She died for berries. He didn't know she was a wolf's mate. He came to find him and killed him. But it wasn't mentioned how.

It was a shock to many vampires because they thought they never could be killed but at the back of my mind,I knew he had been burned after he was weakened.

But it was also a prayer answered to those who thereafter migrated to different parts of the world and formed their own little covens free from Vinton's brutality but it wasn't long before Vinton's only heir hunted them down and killed them. With the help of the few who had remained loyal to his father, even in death,he was able to kill many wolves before he finally got to kill the one who was responsible for his father's death. The heir's name was Victor Adobe. And the rivalry between vampires and werewolves stemmed from this.

I was standing in the shower,my mind racing like the steaming hot water to the drain. I was finally going to meet the bloodsucker who had killed my parents. Marcus' words that it would come down to killing him kept scratching my mind and I pushed them right at the back of my mind but I filed them and locked them in a safe,promising to visit them when the time was right.

I was thinking of tying my afro into an innocent bun but I decided it would probably be a mistake to remove hair from my face so I just let it be. If mother was here,she would scold me for being so untidy but I looked good,at least that's what I thought. I put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white shirt. I couldn't rock heels as Christy so pumps were the way to go.

Ian took me to some room on the other part of the mansion I had never visited since the day I arrived.

As I entered, the man in a black suit,with black shinny hair,seated in a gigantic throne was still exchanging something with Christy.

No one seemed to notice as I entered except Daniel whose eyes flickered to me. I watched them as they raked down my body,making me self conscious. He probably thought I looked ridiculous but since when did it matter what he thought of me? Today,the promise to kill me shone even brighter in his eyes.Daniel was the only one I wasn't immune to in this house,he could hear my heart pounding, he could smell my blood. It was harder for him to be in the same room as me than it was for others and I wondered why.

I stood there with my hands folded behind me,my eyes fell to my pumps and i was mentally laughing at myself for looking like a true servant.

"Miss America."

When I looked up,I found him staring at me. He had very pale brown eyes. His skin was also pale, a little worse than Brian's, perhaps because he was much older than him.

"How old are you,Miss America."

He read from the notebook he was holding, his voice deep but clear enough. He was ancient.

"I'm nineteen,"

I lied and I knew it wouldn't be hard for him to believe me. Looking at my height and body,he should. I had always looked much older than my real age.

"Why should I hire you?"

Heck,this was close to a real interview.

"Uhm,because-becau-se I-,"

I stammered, fighting the temptation to say,"Because I want to kill you."

And said,"Because I am very hardworking and I need the money" Instead.

That was lame but I didn't care.

Standing in front of my greatest enemy, looking desperate for a job wasn't exactly thrilling and it was taking everything in me not to tell him exactly what I thought of him. If I had a knife, I would have already sent it flying to his head that looked like a snake's. As much as they were invigorating me,I pushed said thoughts away as they would result in my death.

"That's all?"

What was he expecting me to say? That it was my passion to clean after bloodsuckers?

"Yes,my Lord"

I was staring into his eyes and decided he sickened me. I could see his eyes shift between a pale red and brown as they held mine.

"Interesting,"he muttered to himself with a frown.

Because I knew my face never failed to display my thoughts,I looked down until he said,

"This is ridiculous!"

He shoved the notebook back into Christy's hands who only smiled apologetically. It was clear she had meant to please him and I felt sorry for her.

"Miss America,who told you I wanted a maid?"

"I saw it on the newspaper."

And I knew I was the only candidate. No one else had shown up. That meant higher chances of me getting hired.

"Mmh,doesn't it scare you to be around vampires?"

"I am half vampire, so I've never felt safer,my Lord."

I hoped I was convincing enough.

"Of course,of course."

Panic claimed me as its victim as Victor rose from his chair and started walking towards me. He walked very fast and with each step,sucked the air out of the room.

He had surely not bought my little act but all I could do now was try to calm my heart down and by the time he got in front of me,I could control myself.

"I don't like the fact that you're human,"

He played with my hair. God,his proximity was just intensifying my hatred towards him.

"I don't like that you're vampiric either,"

He continued while I tried not to look affected.

"But I like that you're both. It's a rare combination, really but a great one"

As he whispered this into my ear,I caught Daniel's eyes. Even when death seemed to be rust on the razor that threatened to cut my throat, I hadn't forgotten one thing I loved about those green eyes, they were readable and right now,they weren't lively as they usually were. A mixture of anger and fear coated them,momentarily masking his promise to kill me.

"Which is why you're hired."


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