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Revenge. I loved the way it rolled on my tongue and plotting against Victor Adobe made me feel a little bit powerful but in actual reality I was like a fly. A feeble fly that presaged good fortune.

"Wanna talk about it?"I heard Daniel say.I hadn't even realized I had left him behind by quite a distance.

"I'd rather not." The sun would soon sink lower and lower the mountain,I couldn't afford to be with him alone in the woods when it got dark.

"Can you explain to me why you're walking in the sun?"

"Oh,you remembered?"he asked with a sly smile.

"Wasn't hard to,"I said.

"Why aren't you glowing?"

"Stupid humans,is that what they told you? That we glowed under the sun?" He chuckled as if it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Jessica,we don't glow under the sun,we die,"

"Well,how the hell are you still alive?"

"If I tell you,you're gonna hate me,"

"Don't you think you're a bit late?" I asked,my voice reeking of mockery.

"No,it's easier to make you think I'm pure,it's the only way I can have you." I stopped on my tracks as I heard the sorrow in his voice.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Daniel? You think your stupid little game is going to make me lose focus. I will still kill you,"I said in anger.

"As long as I die in your arms,I'll die a happy man,"

"That word only applies to humans,you're not human,"I said bitterly.

"I'm not?just because you say so? What is wrong with you, Jessica? Why do you always have to hurt me? I'm confused,some days to tell me I'm not a monster and some days you treat me like I'm one. Which one is it?"

"I've never treated you like a monster, Daniel,I never would but as I spend more time with you,I learn you are much worse." I heard him making a throaty sound and I knew I hurt him but I didn't stop.

"You're a monster, Daniel but I don't ever treat you like one because I've been surrounded by monsters my whole life."

"Oh,okay,"I heard him say as I continued my journey to wherever goodness knew. Daniel would easily catch up with me if he wanted to but I appreciated that he kept the distance.

"Jessica,"he began after a few minutes of silence.
"Look,I know you don't want to but we have to talk about what happened?"

How could I even begin to digest that Victor was like a demon that possessed others. How was I sure that it wasn't him right now?

"Well,we can't just continue like this,he'll find us. I do know some place nearby where he won't be able to enter,"he said.

"Well,you can go there but I'm not going anywhere with you,"I replied,unbothered.

I heard him sigh before saying,"you still don't trust me,do you?"

"I can't just depend on the words you said a few minutes ago. Victor probably knows that too because it seems that he's been inside you all along,"

"Touche,"he said,I could imagine the way his lips were pulled into a straight line as I heard the hurt in his voice.

I seriously couldn't be locked somewhere I didn't know so he could come out and kill me.

I fished for my phone in my forever disorganized backpack and dialed his number. I couldn't believe I was going to involve him in this but I knew he'd come through for me. Beside my brother,Liam was the only person I trusted.

I was so grateful when it went through,i had feared there would be no reception.

"Hello,"Liam said.

"Hi,uhm,it's me,"

"Oh,my god,Jess. Where the fuck are you? We've been looking for you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah,I'm fine. I'm sorry I just left. I'll tell you everything later,right now,I'm in the middle of nowhere and I need your help,"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I'll send you my locati-"my phone beeped before I could finish. There,it was dead. But it was fully charged when I left the house.

"No,no,no!!!"i shouted furiously.

This couldn't be happening.

I hit it against my palm multiple times but the screen remained black.

"Please,please,please work." My pleadings and soulful cries were to no avail.

I finally snapped my head up to find Daniel looking at me with a crooked smile. Of course,he would've tried to stop me.

"You!"I charged against him. "What did you do?" My hand hurt so much. It was absurd to think he'd ever fall.

"I saved us." Was he freaking kidding me!

"Calling the dogs for help when a bunch of angry vampires are after us is the highest level of stupidity. It'll be easier for them to kill us because they'll think we're conspiring with the wolves against them,"he said angrily.

"Can you just stop acting like my master for once? I don't need your help nor stupid opinions. I'm doing this to save me,I don't care what Victor will think,all I know is that I'll be safer with Liam,"

"Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn,you'll get yourself killed,"

"And you think I won't,if I agree to go with you? Stop wasting your time playing hero you're your uncle's nephew," I said.

Suddenly, Daniel groaned in pain and collapsed to the forest floor with his hands on either sides of his head.

No,no,no. He was here. He was coming out.

I stepped back,my eyes in search of another piece of wood. I had no lighter in me but I remembered I'd seen one in Daniel's car. We had walked so far from it. He would chase me and there was no way I'd outrun him but I could fight him with this wood. If I managed to bury it into his eyes,it'd slow him down and I'd have to run to the car. I'd whoo him inside and burn him.

I couldn't do that without hurting Daniel. At the realization I thought there had to be another way.

"No,I won't,"my eyes widened as I saw him resist whatever Victor was ordering him to.

"I'm not a beggar or a kisser,do whatever you want to me but you'll never lay your filthy hands on her"he chuckled. What a great actor he was.

"Oh,I already know where he is,you can't bribe me,"he said through his teeth and only now was I convinced that he wasn't acting when his nose bled.

"Oh my God,Daniel?"I said,stepping closer to him.

"Never,"he said before he fell and his chest furiously went up and down and up and down. It was scary,as if he was possessed by a demon. My mother was a strong believer, I had grown up in the church even though I didn't pray that much,I knew and had faith there was God.

I had seen many exorcisms in my life. I had witnessed priests manage to fight a demon and I had also witnessed them fail,resulting in a loss of life of the possessed.

This was the 4th death I was witnessing. Only there was no exorcist.


I'm sorry if you had to re-read a few chapters but guess what? I've updated eighteen more chapters to make up for it. Am I the best or what?😉😄

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