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You know those moments in life where you're just not precisely sure how you feel? It was one of those moments for me when I realized I had managed to fool my greatest enemy.

The feeling was close to elation, my stomach ran wild with butterflies but at the same time, I felt something close to adrenaline rush,anger,zeal that made my blood boil so high that I feared I would explode.

But it was also at this very moment that I should be giving myself a very well-deserved pat on the back for I had managed to deceive a vampire Lord.It was at this moment that I should pour myself a glass of cold apple juice and celebrate my triumph.

"Ian will show you around."

He walked out with Daniel hot on his heels and I couldn't be more thankful when the room became big enough to exhale into again. I could feel enormous weight being lifted off my shoulders. I had done it.

It had not even been a minute since their departure when the vampiric girl attacked me with a hug. Christy was cold but her arms were always warm and welcoming when she embraced me.

"I'm so happy for you!"

She smiled. She could barely contain her happiness.

"Oh,thank you,Christy."

I replied,trying so hard to mirror her excitement.

"I can't wait for you to finish your rounds so we can go shopping."

She beamed.

"Am I allowed to go shopping with my boss?"

She then laughed, waving me off.

"I'm not your boss,Mer! I'm your sister."

That was the problem. She actually believed what she was saying. It worried me so much that she saw me as her sister while I was busy plotting the downfall of her uncle. It didn't feel right.

"I don't know where you got that shirt from but I'm so glad to see you out of those hideous sweaters."

"Oh,those hideous sweaters are very comfortable,thank you."

"Oh,forget about those.Add some fun to your closet!"

I watched her as she raked her eyes down my body. Same thing her brother had done a few minutes ago.

"If you could see how sexy you are in those jeans right now,you would understand why I'm not going to let you throw your golden features to waste."

"But it's no-"

I protested and she cut me off,dissolving the frown on my face with her soft touch.

"End of discussion,honey. Be ready at two."

She ordered before darting out.

"I thought you're not my boss!"

"It's a date!"

I heard her laugh. She was clearly pleased. How could someone be this annoying yet so much difficult to hate?

Just then,Ian entered. The thought of being alone with him made me feel uneasy.
There wasn't much to do except to scrub the blood stained floors and the furniture which had become home to many spiders and cockroaches. What was Ian's duty, exactly?

Of all things I could've done with my life, I had to choose this over school. I had always been one to preach to others the importance of education. Should they see me now,they would would laugh at me for using my precious hands and energy to clean someone's house instead of hyperventilating my brain with Euclidean geometry. This wasn't just someone's house though. It was a vampire's. The blood sucking creature who believed he had the right to end them. The right to tear my family apart. He took everything I ever knew as happiness, life away from me because he hadn't just killed them. I had died inside too.

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