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"That ain't gonna come off," Liam defended himself when he couldn't wash a small piece of macaroni off the bowl.

"Boys,Let's see,"I took the towel and squeezed the dishwashing liquid onto it before washing the dirt off. "If you can't even do the dishes,how come is your house this clean?"

"Well,I can clean my house and I have so much fun while doing it. There's just one chore that I'm not very fond of and that is washing fucking dishes,"

"You can just get a dishwasher,you know. It makes things easier." I advised.

"Why would I when I got my baby?" He winked as he rinsed the bowl.

"Oh my God,I feel so sorry for her."we both laughed.

"Who is she?"I asked as I could contain my curiosity no longer.

"Well,I'm not gonna tell you because I know you can be so judgmental when you want to,"he said and that stung.

"Wow,that's not a nice thing to say. It hurts but are you sure that's the only reason?"I said as I wiped the bowl dry.

He chuckled,"well,we've just started dating and I'm kinda new to this dating thing,you know that so I don't know if it's gonna last."

"Why don't you? You're a werewolf,you're supposed to,"I asked in surprise.

Imprinting is the involuntary mechanism by which werewolves find their mate. It is a profound,intimate phenomenon that exists among werewolves.

"That's the thing. She's fun to be around,equally crazy and I feel most alive with her. I don't know if I'm supposed to feel anything more than this."

"That sucks but just enjoy it,go with the flow."

"Go with the flow,huh? What has become of Liam Andersen?" He chuckled.

"Well, I like this Liam and whatever it is, it looks good on you. Really, you look alive."I smiled as I said.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah. Okay,break time over,let's get to work!"he clapped his hands as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving me behind in laughter.


"Another one,"I mumbled to the barman.

It had been three fucking hours since she left with him. I wondered what she was doing right now. Was she telling Liam where to get off,threatening him?Well,I hoped not because only I could bring out that fire in her. I wondered if she was thinking of me. I doubted it with that bastard by her side,was he touching,holding her as her past tormented her in her sleep?

I gulped down the shot as I imagined his filthy hands on her.

"Pour me another one,"I said to the bartender once again.

"Sir,I think you need to slow down," he said, was he trying to be funny or something?

"Excuse me,"I looked into his eyes until I drained the ridiculous courage out of him.

"Nothing sir,I just-if you're driving,I think-"

"Do me a favor and stop with your stupid thinkings or go shove your shitty two cents down the toilet because I don't need it. Now do your job before I tear that large vein in your neck."

He gasped and shakily did what I had ordered.

After another three double shots,the pictures became intense.
Why didn't I realize I was falling?I was supposed to hate her,why did I kiss her? I had never been this humiliated my whole life.

"What the hell,Daniel?" Zach said in my face.

Couldn't I get away from him? He's always fucking here. Damn.

"You're starting to get on my nerves, Zach. Can't I have some time to myself without you following me around like you're my fucking ass?"

"Or your guardian? I ain't going to stop if you continue being this irresponsible, Dan"

"Irresponsible you say," I laughed. What's with everyone thinking they could talk to me however they liked.

"This isn't funny. It's time to grow up,Daniel. It's become tiring, honestly."

"Damn,you sound like my fucking uncle."I laughed.

Zach folded his arms and gave me one of his serious looks. He wasn't less ridiculous.

"What's the problem, Zach? Would you rather have me drink blood?"

"It's only natural to drink blood I think there's enough of that inside the vault.Daniel but you should really find another way to deal with your problems. Alcohol or killing just isn't the solution."

"Look at you,you're a mess! And I can't believe it's over that human girl,she's supposed to be your enemy."

"Zach,leave,"I said.

"It's not my place but for what it's worth,you're wasting your time crying over her,she's probably in a ditch,somewhere,dead."

"What the fuck did you say?"

"Your uncle has gone after her,he knows who she is now."

Oh,he always knew. He might fool the whole world but not me,he couldn't kill her,not only because he needed her but simply because he couldn't.

I laughed,"that's what he told you and his friends?"


I threw back my head as I laughed harder.

"You think I'm joking? He's already killed more than seven humans on his way to her,the number is growing as he moves."

It was a strategy,a perfect one. I must give him that. Jessica wouldn't willingly come to him and he knew that and he knew if he hurt humans,she couldn't bear it. He thought she'd come back to him running.

"Well,he won't kill her,"I said,turning the glass in my hands.

"How can you be sure of that?"

"Because she's too smart for him."

Jessica had the brains and that made her way dangerous. I smiled triumphantly.

"Well,you can now go and deliver that message to him," I said to Zach.

"Unfortunately, Victor didn't send me."

"Well,I know that but I'm telling you to take this piece of advice to him."

"You're too drunk to drive,lemme drive you home."

"Home? What the fuck are you talking about? I ain't got no home."

"Well,now you do."

I looked at him, confused.

"Your dad's alive, Daniel."

"Oh,I know."

"You do? How long have you known?"

"About four years now,"I told him as I took another shot.

"And you didn't tell me? All these years you kept it from me. I thought we were friends."

"Well,you fucked that friendship the day you fucked my sister."

"What?" He acted confused. My hand itched to break those spectacles so much.

"Continue playing dumb and I'll rough your pretty face up,she will barely recognize you."

"I'm sorry,bro. I love her,I'll never hurt her,"he tried convincing me with a pitiful look. I knew he never would hurt her.

"Leave,Zach."I said through gritted teeth before smashing the glass against the wall.


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