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"Zach, what the hell are you doing here?"

I asked Zach as soon as I found him on my doorstep.

"Wow, no hello, how are you doing Zach?"

He changed moods real fast, not long ago, he had been sulking like a domestic cat.

"Just get to it, Zach, I've got things to do"

"I got news for you"

He said, rubbing his hands.

"Otherwise you wouldn't be here, what is it?"

"If you gonna keep giving me that shitty attitude, I might as well leave"

I was sure being unnecessarily rude to him.

"I've found her"

He said, his voice full of pride.


"That human girl"

He said, pulling out a picture from his dress coat pocket.

I had even forgotten that I had asked him to look into her. I had sent him a text after he'd left.

"Her name's Jessica and that's her brother, Jason"

He handed me a picture of her and some boy who was somewhat identical to her, only he had a lighter complexion.

I thought I recognized this picture. I didn't know from where but I was certainly not seeing it for the first time.

"What's her name again?"

"Jessica Patterson"


Now that explained why I recognized this picture, I had seen it somewhere nobody would ever like to see themselves, in Victor's study. If I was thinking right, he had been looking for them for nearly a decade now and for what, I had no idea.

They were just humans and they couldn't have made it this far without some one helping them. It now became obvious why she was at Marcus'.

"wow, you have done an outstanding job, thanks,man"

I complimented, although I still hadn't decided what to do with the information. I now had two options, I could use this to blackmail her so she couldn't tell on me or I could save myself the trouble by killing her.

"There's one problem"

I waited.

"Her brother isn't a typical human, he's a dog and apparently,he can see future events. If he sees you coming, Daniel, there might be a bit of a problem because the guy is pretty dangerous. He is the most feared in Camberleseé"


"Yes, he doesn't just reside there, Camberley trained him herself, apparently, he's her nephew"

Camberley, I had been around enough to know she wasn't one to be messed with. Even Victor had failed to get rid of her.

"Okay, thanks, now if that's all, Please excuse me. I have such an important task to complete before midnight"

I announced, letting myself out to lock the door.

"What task if I may ask?"

"Uhm, none of your business."

He looked at me suspiciously and I knew he'd figured out.

"Where exactly are you going, Daniel?"

He questioned demandingly, I wished he could see how ridiculous he looked when he became like this.

When I made no answer, he started.

"Fuck, I knew you'd want to this"

"Do what?"

I asked innocently.

"Want to kill her, do you ever listen to me? I just told you, she's Camberley's niece and her brother is dangerous"

"Is that supposed to scare me?"

I honestly could not depend on this information to blackmail her, I just had to kill her. I would not risk Marcus and Victor finding out only because she was the niece of the mighty Camberley.

Zach was wasting my time.Her scent was not strong enough any more but I worried not, I knew I'd find her, wherever she'd gone.

And if he had thought I would put my life on the line for her,he had been sorely mistaken. I would find her and drink from her despite what he'd just said in hopes to scare me.

"I know nothing scares you, I'm just letting you know"


I walked to my car and he suddenly called from behind me.

"What is it?"

"You haven't asked where she is"

"She's gone jogging"

She was only two kilometres away from me. She was probably jogging towards the forest.

"Yes, but she's going somewhere"

"Where's she going?"

"She's meeting with Brian at the forest and they're probably on their way to Adobe as we speak"


"No idea"

Did this girl have a death wish or something? She was offering herself to Victor on a silver platter but why now after all this time?

"No,no, no"

I kicked the wheel of my car as I thought of another reason why she could be going there. What if Marcus had found out and was sending her to inform Victor?

But why her? She was weak, couldn't he have chosen someone more defensive? Wasn't he afraid that Victor would finally harm her or did whatever it was that he'd been longing to do to her all these years?

Of course, Victor would not dare touch her after he received the news. This was a war declaration.

I got inside my car, leaving Zach shouting what I could hardly hear.

I had to stop her before she signed my death warrant because that was precisely how I would end up, dead.


Sorry this is short,wanted it to be strictly about Daniel.

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