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I had never felt so embarrassed in my life that getting up required a lot of coaching and motivation from my inner self. I had no courage to face Daniel after what I did last night. At least I hadn't said it out loud that I liked him but my actions had probably given him a clue.

I had to stop thinking about him but it was hard not to and it was worse now that I didn't have Christy or Ian to distract me. I was fully consumed by everything about him. From his gorgeous smile to his graceful walk. I couldn't help but stare each time he moved a muscle. He didn't seem real,it almost seemed as if there was someone sitting holding a controller, responsible for his locomotion. He seemed like a character straight from a comic book.

I put down my mug of coffee and caressed my lips as I remembered how it felt having his on mine. Even after a serious warning from my mother,I still could not get enough of him.

"Goodmorning,"he said,startling me.

"Oh,hey. Goodmorning." I replied as my eyes lingered on his toned arms. I so longed to see beyond that t-shirt. I still cursed at myself for denying myself the opportunity to see his toned abs that night.

"Jessica,I was thinking of what you said and I realize now that what I did was wro-"

"Is this you apologizing?"I suppressed a grin.

"Can you just let me finish?"

I hoped he wouldn't ruin it with a but or try to justify his actions.

"I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission and I'm really sorry."

"Well,as long as you don't continue to treat me like an object,you're forgiven."

"An object?" He snorted and I kept a straight face.

"Okay,I won't ever treat you like an object again,I promise."

A part of me felt somehow unsettled that he made me a promise. He wouldn't keep it just like everyone else didn't.

"Okay." I said.

"I'm going jogging,wanna come?"

"Uhm,I'm not sure,I don't even have trainers."

"Did you not open the wardrobe? I got you some things."

Of course,he had been planning it for over a month now.

"Oh,that's very thoughtful of you,thanks." I faked a smile. Argh,I couldn't wait to kill Victor and get out of here.


I always knew from a young age that love was never meant for my kind. Look where it took my parents.

When I planned this thing,I thought it would be easier because I never saw her as anything more than food. A month ago,I never would've ever thought that I would be this much in love with her.

She had become much more to me than food or accomplice but she didn't know that and I planned to keep it that way.

"Oh,God!I'm tired."

I laughed as she complained behind me.

"You didn't say it was a marathon!"
She groaned before finally giving in and collapsing to the ground on her knees.

"Jessica,you are such a cry baby. We haven't even covered three kilometers," I chuckled with my eyes fixed on her.

Her brown skin glistened with sweat as she breathed heavily.

"I won't survive this,"I muttered under my breath as I fought to control myself. What was she doing to me?

"What?" She snapped her head up.

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