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"Ask her,"Gina said to her fellow bloodsuckers.

As three pairs of cold eyes regarded me, the only thing boiling inside my brain was whether they could hear my raging heart,I prayed not.

"What's she doing here?" Rosinah asked,surprise evident on her pale face. I had just noticed she had done a better job with the lipstick today.

I had two options, I could run and leave it all behind or I could say and lie through it. The latter seemed sage.

"Christy told me to take these to the guests' room,"I said ever so innocently.

In this situation, it felt as if I had stripped naked and exposed myself to scruinity,I forced my shoulders to drop,imitating the tears that would soon pour out of my eyes.

"Anerica,"I almost couldn't recognize him when he rose from the stairs. He wasn't that kind,caring Daniel who had taken care of my little cut. His face that was devoid of warmth instilled in me,the fear of being exposed.

"Hasn't it been half an hour since I asked you to prepare for me one of your delicate dishes?" My poor nerves were alleviated when those words fell off his lips,I played along.

"Forgive me,young master,I just had to carry miss Christy's order for she had asked me first,"I apologized pitifully like a true servant slash slave would do.

"I didn't know you ate human food,"Gina asked.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm hybrid, the human part of me still needs to feed,"the emphasis he put on the word human sounded like it was intended to spite the others. It was confirmed when I saw anger and disgust digesting Victor's thin,pale skin.

"Right,"Gina said,clearly disappointed.

"Don't ask for my forgiveness,"he said in a harsher tone,"just get on it already,"he turned to me. I hoped he could read I was grateful he had come to my rescue even though my eyes refused to meet his.

I could feel three pairs of eyes slicing me as I tried to drag the luggage to the intended room.

"Leave them,I'll take them myself,"Gina said.

I wasn't surprised nor in any way offended.

"Like I said,I don't trust you." In actual fact,I was relieved. There was no way my body would be able to take the strain,those bags seemed to have tripled in size.

I would've replied sure but in Victor's presence, it was probably wise to act obedient,innocent and at least,respectful. This was killing me. He'd done nothing to deserve my respect.

This seemed to be for nothing because when I risked a glance in his direction, his ancient, lifeless eyes were narrowed as he seemed to he at work,observing every detail my face gave away.

His nose was sharp,thin and nostrils flared in a strange way. Maybe a heavy mustache would've done a better job at concealing his wicked lips which parted as he spoke, to reveal his sharp canines as white as ivory.

"It appears, miss America that manners are what you are without."

What did he know about manners? He should've remembered to wear those manners when he entered my house.

"Is it new to you that these great walls aren't intended for commoners like yourself?'his nose wrinkled in disgust as he belittled me.

"It's not her fault, she was only doing what Christy had told her,"Daniel defended.

"Oh,Christy had told her to spy on the lord?" Gina said sarcastically.

"It would do you good,staying out of matters that don't concern you,"Daniel said to Gina whose face instantly flushed in embarrassment.

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