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Through the bullet hole on the wall,I examined the serene beauty of the horizon enveloping the sun. On a normal day,sunset would alight the very depths of what's left of my heart but today,it seemed like that heart had finally reached its fatigue barrier.

Even though the whole day had been shriveled up in heat,it still was Winter and as the sun departed,she was quick to remind us she was at the helm. Outside,the wind began to whirl,breathing cold through the cracks of my little shack. It was only a quarter after five and she had already begun to unleash her fury. I wouldn't survive the night.

I hugged myself as I limped back to my shambling bed where my brother waited with a clean cloth and a basin of steaming water.

I leaned forward before letting the shawl I had wrapped around my shoulders fall to my waist,giving him a full view of my completely naked back adorned with the relentless fresh marks of a birch twig.

"Remember,I can only get this done a little faster if you stay still,"he told me and I only nodded. I gritted my teeth as the damp cloth cleaned the wounds before he spit his healing saliva into each of them. If it weren't that it eased the pain,I wouldn't need it. I didn't care that it prevented these wounds from leaving permanent scars as they would someday narrate my shameful story.

To say I knew why I deserved to be whipped with a birch twig would be a lie but I could only assume it was the universe's way of punishing me for being human. By far,I was the only human around here.

"I'm sorry,"he said soothingly. I hated how he always apologized as if he was in any way responsible for my misery.

"You shouldn't be here,Jason,"I said with my eyes still shut.

It had been years and every time that twig licked and tore my skin apart felt like the first one. There was no such thing as getting used to pain and if it wasn't the cruelest thing to happen to humankind, I didn't know what was.

As helpful as it was,the saliva felt no different from the venom of a mozambican spitting cobra,although its burning sensation lasted no more than an hour.I wouldn't be able to bear the consequences that would follow letting these wounds heal naturally,I was galvanized to hold on.

"I won't leave until I'm certain that you're okay." Oh,my sweet brother. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to thank him for being so caring. I wondered if he would still care for me if I wasn't his sister,I mean,I would've long deserted me too. I was unlovable,I was undeserving of care. I was a horrible person. It was wrong of him to care this much,it would do no more good than to land him in trouble.

I knew she'd hurt him if she ever found him in my hut. That's right,I slept in a hut. Many wondered why that was,considering the large number of unused chambers in the castle but none of them was brave enough to raise their questions to Camberley,they knew there'd be a great price to pay for nobody questioned the queen.

"But Jason, I don't want you to get into trouble because of me." I did not want him to think I didn't appreciate all his effort to make me feel alright but I wouldn't sleep well,(not that I ever did)knowing that whatever punishment she'd throw at him,he'd have to face because of me.

"I'm always in trouble with Camberley, only this time will she have an excuse to punish me for,"he said calmly. His perpetual calm demeanor always bothered me. I wished he wouldn't hide his true emotions.

"That woman is-"

"Hey,"he gently turned me so we could face each other. "I can take care of myself,"he assured me with his hands on either sides of my head. We both had mom's cute nose and full lips but I had no idea where he had inherited the eyes that I resented so much for being so dark and devoid of life.

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